Sunday, September 2, 2007

work, Work, WORK!

We all know that keeping a house clean is a never ending cycle. I guess you could say that part of my life is predictable. Every day I will clean the kitchen a minimum of four times a day. Takes the guess work out. That's probably why I like fast food so much. I just toss out the spilled french fries off the van floor and call it good. Even then the task of cleaning is daunting.

Every night before you crawl into bed, you have to make sure the kitchen is sparkling (well at least there are no dirty dishes in the sink and no crushed cereal on the floor.) Just minutes after the boys wake up, chaos reigns supreme once again. And your back to where you started only 10 hours before. It's like I pushed the repeat button when the boys head out the door for school. Clean, clean, clean.

You even might dare to think you could somehow get a slight cleaning reprieve on fast Sunday. Unless you are me and give your little girls watermelon and they miraculously drip/fling sweet, sticky juice all over the counters and floor even though they are strapped tightly in their high chairs. I am in awe and often overwhelmed at the messes my little brood can make in an instant.
But tonight I get a bit of unexpected help. As I got down on all fours to mop up the floor with my rags I got two to of the cutest helpers ever.

Kaitlyn grabbed a rag and went to work.

Brynn soon followed.

She had some serious skills using two rags at once!

I was impressed. It looks like they might be able to teach me a thing or two about mopping.

The funniest part was when Brynn was done. She went to the drawer, pulled out two clean rags to use as a blanket, grabbed her bottle off the table and she was ready to turn in for the night.

Thanks for the help girls and for the laughs!

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