Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

We hope your day was full of LOVE!

Hugs and Kisses!

The Jacksons

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mr. Two

I'm two. I'm two.
I know just what to do.

I'll wreak havoc on everything I see.
Won't my mom be so proud of me.

He's two. He's two.
I don't know what to do.

Everywhere I turn, things are tossed all about.
He's sweet, he's cute, but he makes me want to shout!

He's two. He's two.
Those terrible twos.

Oh my darling little Z.
You're really killing me.

I know just what I've got to do.
I'll send him to Time Out!

Our littlest bundle of energy has been working OVERTIME making some serious messes lately.  I have to document because these days will pass and the memories will fade, but I want to remember, just in case in the distant future my little red has a two year old that is right up his alley....

* Dumped the entire container of fish food into my just cleaned fish tank.  Cleaned it again that very night.

* The next day cracked said fish tank while 'fixing it' with his plastic toy hammer right before bed.  Duct tape would not do the trick.  Found myself driving to Wal-mart in the snow at midnight to buy a replacement so the fish would survive til morning.

* Happily tossed an entire bag of Goldfish crackers in the air while jumping on my bed.   Stripped bedding and washed,  then vacuumed crackers up from under the bed, behind the bed and even in the heater vent.

* Destroyed Matt's entire Lego table set up in a few minutes and chucked pieces across the entire basement. 

*Found a tube of the girls' play lipstick and mushed it into the carpet.

* Scribbled with black marker on the girls bedspread and then mashed a few Junior Mints into it for fun.

* Dumped out three boxes of cereal downstairs on the carpet and then stomped on them. 

* Jumped on the basement couch too many times and now it sinks in the middle.  Drat.

* Squished two full containers of Capri Sun on the girls carpet and Barbie Dream house.

* Loves to change his own poopy diapers without my help.  Yikes!

* Finds my wallet and stashes credit cards and contents around the computer room.

* Poured his own cereal and managed to get a little in the bowl and the rest of the box of Cocoa Puffs onto the floor.

* Filled up cups of water and then dumped them onto my bed.  Why?

* Loves to take bites of gooey, sticky candy and then run to find me and spit it into my hands.  Really fun when this happens at basketball games.

* Found his artist talent and doodles on walls, chairs and once in a while a piece of paper.

* On back to back days dumped a chocolate shake and then a cup of Sprite onto the floor in the car.  Thank heavens for those plastic mats I invested in.

* Took two containers of yogurt and tried to dump them into a cup.  Not a lot ended up in the cup, but it was really fun to paint with yogurt on the wood floor.

* Loves to pull out all of his tools, drag his work bench into the family room, take off all the cushions on the couch and then build and fix everything in the living room, family room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, bedrooms, etc.  Fix = pound away.

*  I am sure there will be more adventures tomorrow.  :)
