Monday, September 10, 2007


My friend's little sister's blog site header reads: T-minus freak out- you know you are. We all have those moments in our lives and it has gotten quite insane around here these past few weeks with school, homework, the boys playing two sports and Rich preparing for his big test. It got me thinking about the variety of things I do to keep myself from going crazy. Sometimes I wonder if they are working, but who doesn't go nuts once in awhile? So here is my list.


1. Go for a walk. Get out of the house and look around at this beautiful world we have. Enjoy the fall air, notice the leaves, listen for the birds, see the butterflies, smell the flowers and feel how good it is to get out and just go. It's a great pick me up anytime.

2. Get take out for dinner. It will eliminate cooking clean up and the kids will eat what is served. And really, who can beat Little Caesars large pizza for $5.00? One cheese, one peperoni and we are good to go.

3. Do some yard work. Pull weeds, edge, mow the lawn, get a bit dirty and see how you can transform the earth into a thing of beauty. Enjoy the fresh air, the smell of cut grass and flowers around the yard. I'd rather word in the yard than clean inside any day. Trimming bushes and raking leaves gives me a satisfaction that cleaning a toilet just can't match.

4. Bake up a batch of cookies. Three rules. 1. If kids are present make them help. Have them crack eggs, add ingredients, they love all the little spoons and measuring cups. 2. Eat the cookie dough. 3. Make enough to share. Who doesn't enjoy a little treat from a neighbor or friend?

5. Read a good book. Escape from your own life for a moment and when you get interrupted be glad there is not an on/off button that will most certainly be pushed in your absence and you will utterly lose your place in the story.

6. Call a family member and catch up. You could call your grandparents and ask them questions about their lives. You will be amazed at what you can learn.

7. Ask a child to tell you all their favorite things. From color, to TV show, to toys, they love that someone older wants to know all about them.

8. Go to a sporting event. From little league baseball, YMCA soccer, to high school football, or (someday) flying to NYC to watch the US Open, watching it all is fun. It may not always be relaxing, but you'll enjoy every minute.

9. Go to a park with your kids and play! Climb on the playground, go down the slide, bring along bubbles and run through them. You'll feel young no matter how old you are.

10. Eat an ice cream cone. This is such a simple pleasure, but bring wipes. In these hot temperatures things tend to get sticky fast!

11. Run through the sprinklers. It can count for your shower for the day too!

12. Write a letter or email to an old friend. Reacquaint yourself with someone who once was an important part of your life.

13. Invite people over for dinner. While the cleaning of the house might be a tad stressful, make a new recipe or a favorite dessert and make some new memories with people close to you.

14. Clean out your closet. Be honest with yourself and get rid of anything you haven't worn in a year. It made be cute, but if you haven't worn it, the odds are you won't, ever. Give it away before it's so out of date that no will want it.

15. Turn up the song in the car and sing along. The kids will laugh and sing along too.

May we all have days of joy, laughter and a little less headache!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

What I loved about reading your tips is that I think I've actually seen you in person do most of them! Great advice!