Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Tell All- You Can Quote Me On That‏

When I first got the topic of writing about our favorite quote I was at a bit of a loss. I am not really one who loves and memorizes quotes. I thought this might be a challenge for me, but then I knew exactly what I wanted to write about.

The absolute first thing that popped into my head were quotes from one of my favorite quotable people, and I don't mean my Matt, though he is always chocked full of 'Mattisms'. This person must be the reason that Matt is just full of such funny things.

My hands down, all time favorite quotable person, and you can quote me on this, is my dad. My entire life he has been full of off the wall, wacky sayings, phrases and thoughts. You just can't make this stuff up.

This is the quote I thought of first. Growing up anytime we would ask my dad for an answer, or try to get his permission he would respond by saying, "When pigs have tiny feet." What this truly means, no man knows, but like I said, you can see where Matt comes from.

If we ever asked him how long or far something was it was always, "18." The real answer was never discovered.

If we ever asked him how much something cost it was always, "A Buck Two Fifty." Always.

His other good quotes are:


" He's got Laduza." (Mandarin Chinese for diarrhea- Kurt will have fun using this one on his mission!)

"She's a Bezing." (Japanese meaning a pretty girl)

"Nance on Ichibon" I am told this means Nance is #1 in Japanese. My brother Jeff thinks he got this one from his own father.

"He got hit in the Wawoinker." One more name to add to the long list of boy private parts.

My dad nevers swears except when he's driving and a very ocassional "Hells Bells!" slips out. He rationalizes that it's not really swearing since the two words cancel each other out. I have to admit this quote is the only one I have ever been caught uttering!

Thanks Dad for all the great quotes. I love you!

*Honorable Mention must go to Kristi Hamilton. She's always full of great sayings, but I truly love to hear her shout in utter desperation, "FOR THE LOVE!" Kristi- you're a nut!


Marcie said...

Love it!

Sally said...

So fun to quote your Dad! I too have some goodies from my Dad although they would be a bit shocking to share.

lacey said...

I don't know who I would quote myself? This was such a fun read. It shows a very humerous side to your Dad. Tanner just today told me: "Aw, pickle dickle dickle." in response to something that I told him broke. I don't know if that is a keeper worth repeating though.

Tiffany said...

I've used "For the Love" too from Kristi -- how funny. I really liked the "Hells Bells" -- it has a fun ring to it. . .

Joe and Amy said...

That's funny Cheryl! Joe also uses the term 'Hells Bells" when something goes wrong. He also insists it is not a swear word when you say the two together.

Kristi said...

FOR THE LOVE! I started saying that in college after hearing "for the love of Pete". I don't know who Pete is, so I just use the prefix. Your dad quotes made me laugh. Mine is the same way. His new thing is to get a word into the dictionary: BLY, meaning spicy hot. Go with it.....