Friday, September 21, 2007

Had a bad day.....

You had some bad days

The Internet's down

You say a quick prayer and hope something turns 'round

Windstream say they don't know

I tell them don't lie

Your helpers don't help

and you're making me cry

You had a bad day

The modem don't work

I'm starting to freak

and turning into a jerk

You had a bad day

You had a bad day

*Tune courtesy of Daniel Powter and nearly 3 DAYS of NO INTERNET SERVICE!

I started humming that song this morning while bathing the girls because I really felt like I had some BAD days and it's all because of my loss of my connection with the world. The computer started to go on the blitz Tuesday night, I barely got it to pull up for a minute on Wednesday morning and then around 10 AM it just simply stopped working. I think I spent as much time TRYING to get it work as I do typing on it every day.

I called their customer service team on Wednesday night. I was certainly routed to India because the fellow could only say three lines. At first it made me mad, but my then end I was seriously holding back a laugh because no matter what I said, his response was read off some card and repeated what he had previously said. When I called again on Thursday morning and talked to a girl here in the states, I was thoroughly disappointed when she had the same three line answers. I finally called the main customer service, talked to a technician and she told me it would be resolved by the end of the work day on Friday. That meant another possible 24 hours without information. So sad!

By last night I was cranky, disappointed, had no idea what was going on in the world and missing my blog an embarrassingly large amount. Rich was teasing me at the boys baseball game that I had the shakes from the ordeal. Not quite, but it was getting close.

By this morning I was desperate and had Rich publish my Mexican lunch post from work since it was finished, but I didn't get to put it up before the computer went haywire. I was even considering going to the library (gasp!) if I didn't get help soon!

Finally a repair man came this morning around 11 AM and by 2:30 PM it was finally up and running. Talk about a long and painful morning sharing our home with a friendly guy, but a complete stranger nonetheless. Kaitlyn tried to give him toys and play and Brynn ran around talking loud like she always does. He was here so long and waiting on the phone with the tech support forever, that when I glanced in the computer room he was playing Solitaire on the computer. Strange, but a bit funny.

I can finally thank the heavens that it is working. Rich told me last night I should find the silver lining in this whole thing. I thought, and thought, but had a hard time being happy this happened. In the end, I came up with 3 things.

1. I wrote my jury letter and sent it off. (Thanks to Mom, Dad and Kristi for listening to it and for ALL the supportive comments everyone left on my post)

2. Got Trey's baptism invitations done (though had a tough time finding the building's address when it was not in the phone book and had to call ten people in the ward, when I normally could have looked up Even had time to go to Michael's for the second time to purchase forgotten envelopes and ran to Kroger for stamps. I just can't seem to remember everything on our first trip!

3. Went to bed a bit earlier. I not saying it was really early, but sleep in this house just is hard to come by. That was a truly good thing.

So, now I've got my work cut out for me. I have to catch up on 3 days of information, but I'm grateful it's back on and Rich won't have to be my lifeline to the world as he is on call all weekend.

Long Live the Internet and My Connection!


Marcie said...

I sometimes panic when my computer is slow to start up thinking"what if I can't get online today". So I totally understand. It is my connection to all life outside of my little house. So glad yours is up and running again.

Don't you hate having workers in the house. I hated finishing our basement for that reason. You feel like you can't do anything you normally you are on call all day.

At least your girls were trying to make friends. My boys attack any man that walks into the house with swords...strangers or friends. Some play fight back and some just look at me like I am raising monsters.

lacey said...

Well, welcome back Cheryl! Can I say I'm glad it was not me? Not to hurt your feelings :). But since I said that, I probably jinxed myself. I hope I don't have the same post in the coming future- but I know I will certainly hit a sympathy bone with you if I do.

jamie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that you were without internet for such a long time!! I am glad to know that I'm not the only one that goes into the shakes when my world is cut off like that. It's an obsession, I'm completely aware of it. It's good to know that I'm in good company. :) Glad to have you back!

Amanda said...

I completely know how you feel. I finally got a good internet connection here in England just this week. I was without for two and a half weeks. Talk about not feeling at all connected with the world.