Thursday, September 6, 2007

Go Brorioles?

Fall baseball is in full swing and Josh and Matt had their first game tonight. Some of the kids on their old team moved up to the next divison so they had to combine two teams to create our new fall one. There are players from the Braves and the Orioles. They haven't come up with a name. The best idea so far from the coaches has been the Brorioles. Huh. Hard to yell that tongue twister after a great catch. I think they should go with the idea one of the players came up with- The Bombers. Sounds easier on the lips to me.

Since fall ball it much more low key that spring ball, the kids can have a chance to play a variety of positions and line ups. What a treat for Matt since he was stuck in right field last season. Tonight he got to be an infielder for the first time and boy he did glow from pride. In the outfield he would stare at the bugs and dandilions and never got to touch a ball. He liked batting fine, but he didn't love practing at all. Who would when you are stuck fielding balls that never came your way and running bases. Well, tonight he was really one of the guys. He played 2nd base and man you couldn't have found a kid that stayed in ready position better when there was a batter at the plate. I was a bit nervous since this was all new to him, but when a player hit a solid line drive straight to him, he quickly stopped it with his glove and foot. It was a great play, even for a seasoned second baseman. Good Job Matt!

After the game he told me, "Mom, I was part of the action tonight. When you are in the outfield, you just watch the action go by. I love the action." And really who doesn't? It reminded me that we all need to feel included, needed and important. And that made last night's game Matt's best ever.

Josh and Matt both went 4-4 and each scored almost every time. Josh turned into A-Rod hitting every ball into the outfield and even got a triple. Way to go Josh! He played first base next to Matt at second. They they both played out field and the last inning Josh played third. They don't keep score, but I think we won the little Giants team.

This will keep us busy. Josh and Matt play every Tuesday and Thursday night for the next four weeks, while Trey's team plays on one weeknight and then on Saturday. We have soccer practice on Friday night and one game on Saturday. The only saving grace is that all three boys are on the same soccer team. We seem to always been stretching ourselves thin, but at least they are out running around, making new friends and the house stays clean while we are away!

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