Saturday, September 8, 2007


The boys are playing YMCA fall soccer again this year. Trey began when he was only three, so this makes five straight years of Saturday soccer games through September and October. Soccer is a great sport for kids because it has few rules, they can run out all their energy and learn to work together as a team.

This is a unique year for us though, Trey, Josh and Matt are all on the same team for the first time ever. They fall into the 6-7 age category and Trey made the deadline by just two and a half weeks.

Their team is the Generals and they practice every Friday at 4:30 PM and have games on Saturday. Their coach is a lady from our ward. It should be a fun season being all together


Tiffany said...

How fun that they are all on the same team. Sure makes it easier for you! Keenan had his first soccer game today and scored his first goal! (didn't score one last year). I was so sad that I missed it -- but my "Time Out" was great. I think soccer is a great sport for young kids for the same reason you do.

Marcie said...

Oh my goodness and soccer too. You are amazing!