Sunday, September 16, 2007

Trey's almost 8!

Trey's birthday is nearly here and this year it is a big one. Trey will turn 8 years old on September 26, 2007. He will be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday, September 29, 2007. He is so excited and after two Family Home Evening lessons on baptism, I think he understands what it going to happen and why it's so important.

Trey met with our Bishop today for his pre-baptismal interview. He was nervous but excited and gained new insights from him. He also received his very own set of scriptures as a gift from our Bishop. Very generous! Thank you!

After church we sat down for a dinner of pot roast, mashed potatoes, peas and bread sticks. It was like eating a meal in Utah with our families. As we clicked the girls into their chairs, Rich looked at me and asked, "Have we EVER sat down to eat like this all together?" Come on! I do know how to cook, even if it's only once in awhile. The answer to that is YES, but I decided a photo would be solid evidence that it really did happen, just in case Rich ever forgets!

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