Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday Tell All- Passion for Paintings

This week's topic is any easy one. I LOVE paintings and have a wide variety on my walls. I love paintings that bring thought and emotion, ones that your children will remember and learn life lessons from. I started getting paintings from my parents for Christmas when I was in high school. It was fun back then to think that one day these works of art would adorn the walls in my future home. How nice it was to have beautiful paints when we were first married. Now I realize that one day, there will be no room on my walls because I will have aquired far more than I have space for.

My all time favorite painting is The Widow's Mite by James C. Christensen. My parents got the print when I was young and hangs in their den today. It is a simple painting of a the biblical story of the young woman who gives all she had to the Lord and her true sacrifice meant more to Heavenly Father than all the gold and riches the wealthy parted with because she gave all she had.

My parents knew of my love for their painting and they took me by complete surprise when Rich and I unwrapped our wedding presents. The large package from them held a Widow's Mite painting of my own. It brought me to tears. My painting hangs in our front room over the fireplace. I love seeing the woman in the painting each day and reflect upon her story and hope I am doing as she did.

My honorable mention painting one I deeply love as well. It too is by James C. Christensen and is called Once Upon a Time or The Storyteller. My parents got this print long ago and it hung over our family room fireplace for years. This painting was made for the Orem, Utah storytelling festival called Tales Beneath Timp. I wanted my own copy, but since they were sold out when I was in Jr. High, I settled for a poster version, but never had it framed. Three years ago, the painter re-released it in a new canvas format. I was dying to get one, but with our lack of income (Rich was a third year medical student) I knew it was far beyond what I could afford. My parents made me a deal. If I used this painting as my birthday and Christmas presents from them for the next three years, I could get a copy. I said yes in an instant. They shipped it from Utah in a custom made crate that had to weigh 150 pounds and stood 6 feet tall. The delivery service left it on our porch. What a surprise we got when we notice something outside from the window. Rich spent an hour unscrewing and pulling the wood apart to get the painting out. It now hangs in our family room over the couch. I love looking at the vivid colors and characters, but my favorite part is Mt. Timpanogos in the background. It reminds me of home each time I see it.

My all time favorite well known painter is Claude Monet. His paintings are simple, beautiful and peaceful. Whenever I am in a museum, I search out his works of art. I have seen his paintings Honolulu, Louisville, Boston, Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., Paris and London.


Marcie said...

Love your picks. I'm impressed by your travel museum log.

Heather Woolley said...

I love the art you chose. I remember visiting your place in Kentucky and thinking how much I loved all your paintings on the walls. It adds such a great feeling in a home.

Cheryl said...


It's so fun to get comments from you. I may turn you into a blogger yet! I hope all is well in Arizona. We love and miss you guys! I am sure it's still way too hot there, but hopefully relief will soon come.

Give Kamae and Jackson a big squeeze from all of us!
