Monday, September 24, 2007

Jedi Masters

You may be wondering which powerful and dangerous Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic showed up at our house on Saturday. Who ever is this lucky to have real Jedi's in the house? We were visited by two Jedi Masters fresh from their training at the Jedi Academy. Let us look to see who they are....
Dark brown cloak and green light saber.
Tan cloak with a purple light saber. It was none other than Master Matt and Master Josh.

These lucky two young padawans had been summoned to a Star Wars birthday party this past Saturday. In between the baseball and soccer games, we rushed to Wal-mart in search of $1.oo a yard fabric, some cording and thread so these young ones would truly look the part. An hour later, they were ready to begin their training.

After the party, we had to have a little photo session so they could display all their incredible moves. Each pose was thought up by the young Jedi's. All moves were then made very deliberately and held perfectly still until the picture was snapped. Matt showing off his "rings of power." (Star Wars rings off the birthday cupcakes.)
Matt insisted on this pose. He said all Jedi's sometimes have to look at the sky while they are thinking, "What the heck!" As things fall from the sky. I loved this shot for the movement of Josh's cloak. Great spin move! The dance of the fight has begun.
The hooded Jedi's battle! This is my favorite picture. Look at the intensity of Josh's face. They are both using the force on each other.
To the death!
Poor Master Matt just didn't make it in the end. (Matt HAD to have a picture of him dead!)
The cutest Jedi's I've EVER beheld! May the Force be with YOU!
I had to document the REAL story behind these pics. After the hours of sewing and photos, you can see the real loser in this battle was the kitchen. Kaitlyn was getting frozen french fries off the floor after one of the boys dropped them out freezer. What a mess! Matt said, "This room is the Master of Disaster." Too true, too true!

**Last week even before the party invite came, Matt and I got into a lengthy discussion about Star Wars Jedi Knights. He told me that all Jedi's have to have agility. "Agility," I asked. "Yes," he explained. "They all have to move around really quickly." "Where did you learn about agility?" I questioned. Matt smirked, "Mom, I watch TV!"


Marcie said...

I love these pictures. Your cloaks look great. I have been meaning to sew my boys up some since we got back from Disneyland.

Amanda said...

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has boys that love to fight each other to the death. It's not a real fight until one of them is beaten down to the floor, tongue sticking out and all.

Sally said...

Impressive job on the sewing! I think its fun that they look the part! I actually love the original Star Wars Series. I think we watched one of them every Sunday night growing up.

Thanks for the book suggestions. Marcie has mentioned on several occassions that you are the "Queen reader" I am excited about several of them.

Tiffany said...

My favorite by far is the "what the heck" picture of Matt. Very insightful kid! What fun that Matt and Josh have each other.

And, I'm impressed by your StarWars lingo -- I don't have a clue when it comes to that. Thankfully Keenan's not into it yet.

Ashlee said...

I love the starwars get ups. I'm impressed with your sewing.
Last week at the primary program pratice Matt was so cute. We gave all the kids ice cream and then some of them got seconds. Matt being one of them. After he came up to me, gave me a hug and kept sayig, "This is so good, I love ice cream." He had the biggest smile on his face. He is such a cute, sweet boy.

lacey said...

What a mom! Walmart and cloaks in one day. I did click on your kitchen picture to make myself feel better though. Although, I think your kitchen wasn't even THAT bad. What does that say about me? :)

I can tell that you are such a good mom. Play by play shots of your boys that some moms might not be so fascinated with. Once again just the regular little things that I am reminded to stop and enjoy. Thank you!

Kristi said...

Reading this post, all I could think was that Cheryl with a digital camera is a scary concept. I am sure you miss getting quadruple copies of your 35mm from Walmart. It would have cost you like $30 for this post alone! I love you, and your boys Cheryl!

Do I get to take credit for Matt's FIRST light saber? (yard sale special for $.10)