Friday, September 7, 2007


Thank heavens it's Friday! That means a few days break from spelling tests, math homework, 20 minutes reading and 6:45 AM alarms. Well, at least the ones that plug in the wall, but the ones named Brynn and Kaitlyn run on their own power! Can't really control or predict them.

Too bad Rich is on call Saturday day and Sunday day. I guess that doesn't equal relaxation for him or loss of the dreaded early alarm clock this weekend, but at least we have tonight (after soccer practice). So what to do?

Josh had a the perfect idea last Sunday. Go to Graeter's to celebrate not only the weekend, but mainly to say a huge YA-HOO that Rich took the American Board of Radiology Physics Board Exam on Thursday. Studying for the test= months of torture and brain cramps! Having it finally over= new found excitement and freedom! What a relief!

We have been talking about and dreading this test since before he even decided to pursue radiology. It actually was one of the serious drawbacks of the field. Rich won't get the results for a month, but he felt good about it and that's enough for me to celebrate.

I can't wait to have my husband back and he can't wait to get his life back. After he got home he looked at me and said, "Oh my gosh it's September!" The summer was a complete blur for him. He went to the library every day on his week off in August to review. He only went to the pool twice. (Compared to my 100 times with swim team) He lugged around 100 pounds of books with him wherever he went. They were like our sixth child. And while he got bits and pieces of breaks, the need to study was ever present in his mind and the test was like a dark cloud looming over the sunshine of June, July and August.

Well, the sun finally broke through the muck and Rich is going to have to stop and enjoy it for awhile because he truly deserves it. Congrats Rich on taking the test. You worked, studying, sacrificed all free time, flew to Sacramento for the review course and endured months memorizing things I will never even begin to understand. I know you'll get good results soon. I'm so proud of you. You deserve a break, maybe Monday.... or Tuesday... or after residency when things slow down.... but I doubt they ever will. Love you!

P.S. Graeter's got a new fan tonight! I am on the countdown until they start selling Pumpkin Spice ice cream in a few weeks. It is my favorite ice cream and a perfect holiday indulgence.


Tiffany said...

Hooray for Rich (how grueling!) Does this mean he doesn't have boards at the end of residency or is this in addition to them? And, hooray for Pumpkin Spice coming soon!

Cheryl said...

Sadly this is not the end. He still has two to go. He'll have written next fall and then oral the year after that. Oh the fun never ends. Lucky Rich!

Marcie said...

Congrats Rich! Even the thought of all that memorizing gives me a headache.