Thursday, August 26, 2010

And Life Goes On.....

Cincinnati, Ohio

Looking south into Kentucky
Rich's new workplace: University Hospital at the University of Cincinnati

Just like that we have adjusted to life in a new city. It is incredible how in just a few days Cincinnati has begun to feel like home, but that does tend to happen when you are suddenly thrust into the hustle and bustle of life. Kids added to the mix often accelerates everything, especially transitions when moving.  Activities like soccer, baseball, scouts, school and church make you call neighbors for directions, meet new people and help you get familiar with finding various locations at a rapid pace. 

Though we moved into our home on August 10, our first real day of living here was Monday, August 16.  Rich was needed back at work and we made our second move from Lexington the night before.  We loaded up our two cars in Lexington and carefully brought up the computer, telephones and other random items that had been left behind.  When we drove away I knew that our life in Lexington was over.  Our time in Kentucky had run its course and even though we still own our home, we were needed elsewhere. 

Our original plan regarding the house was to head back to Lexington on Friday nights so we could check on it, dust and catch up on yard work.  Rich was on call last week and it's been so dry I wasn't worried about the lawn needing to be mowed.  This Saturday will be filled with two soccer games mid-afternoon.  I now can see that it will be difficult to find time to return to our home in Kentucky when life is now running on a high speed here in Ohio.

After a bit of deliberation whether to add some major chaos into our lives, we signed Trey and Matt up for soccer and Josh for baseball.  This will mean three games every Saturday and three different practices during the week.  I wasn't so sure I wanted that right now, but it really will be the best way to help the boys adjust and meet new friends.  We also found a great piano teacher in the ward and will be starting all three boys in lessons in the coming weeks. 

I signed the boys up for soccer last Tuesday.  Wednesday morning I received a phone call from Trey's new coach informing me he had practice that night.  We managed to only find one cleat in the shoe bin so after a quick run to Dick's to buy a bigger pair of shoes he was at the field that night working out with the team. 

I also received a phone call that same day from a ward member letting me know scouts was that night as well and the boys were going fishing.  Just before I dropped Trey off at the field, I swung by the church and met the scout troop in the parking lot.  Josh and Matt had a great time at Lake Isabella fishing for Bluegill and getting to know ward members.  They returned to the church at 8:30 PM, just when Trey was wrapping up soccer practice.

When we had lived in Cincinnati for just three days, we had found and visited Wal-mart, Kroger, Home Depot, Target, the mall, Sam's Club, Dick's, the church, soccer fields and registered the boys for school at the District office.  It was a whirlwind, but we got it done.

I also managed to cross off a few major items on the 'to do' list.  I organized the basement (found the baseball mitts and much needed Flow bee), built the computer desk, set up our real computer and painted the boys' room.  Pink just wasn't their color. 

Rich and I laughed at the sleeping arrangement the night I painted.  The fumes were far too strong to allow the boys to sleep it their own beds.  We had five squished on the floor while the baby was cozy in a bed of his own. 

We were warmly welcomed to our ward on Sunday.  It was well known that a family would be moving into the ward in August.  I lost count of how many times I was asked, "Are you Sister Jackson?"  It was funny.  The Cherry Grove Ward is very friendly, but it is still odd that we will only be here for the next ten months.  I have never been in a ward for such a short amount of time, but they have welcomed us with open arms. 

The boys have enjoyed having two new friends just down the street.  Before school began I had an endless coming and going of boys in the family room and countless bikes on the front lawn.  Friends certainly made the change so much easier on the boys.  Tears were shed those first few days, but life suddenly didn't look so gloomy when you've got a little swimming pool across the street (neighbors that moved and gave the okay to the Hooper's to swim in it) and unlimited bike rides waiting to be ridden.

We had a bit of fun on the last day of summer.  Rich an academic afternoon, so we met him downtown and went to the zoo.  It's gorgeous and I happily purchased a year pass (with the upgraded free parking) so the girls, Zach and I (and the boys on weekends or days off) can lazily enjoy days amongst the animals.

I also have been busy collecting the new set of Madame Alexander dolls at McDonald's.  Yes, I have an obsession about getting them all, but it's been a passion for years now so Rich's wasn't surprised when I went to TWO McDonald's in search of dolls instead of making dinner last Friday night.  The girls love playing with our wide assortment and I love thinking back to each McDonald's we visited in Louisville and Lexington in search of dolls (even before we had the girls!).

Last night was special for Josh and Matt.  They were awarded their Wolf cub scout badge at Pack Night.  They had earned their award before their 9th birthday in June, but swim meets took up every Wednesday night and they never were presented.  The new Cub Master is a die hard scouter and did a nice job presenting the awards.  My boys looked a bit like 'homeless scouts'.  Matt's Bobcat award was nice and secure in his pocket, we lacked neckerchiefs, beads and any patches that weren't sewn on the shirt when purchased (except Josh's Bobcat award).  The Cub Master helped us out after and gave us all the need beads, holders and directions on how to sew them on.  He also offered on Sunday to pick up our new books and other items on Sunday and I paid him that night.  We even get to make THREE Space Cars (like Pinewood Derby, but propeller planes attached to a wire) and the race is in THREE WEEKS.  Lucky Rich.  I think the boys will have fun and I'm excited to not have to race to complete the requirements for advancement just weeks before their birthday deadline.

Our big news is that Rich is finally ready to commit and sign a contract with Central Utah Radiology group.  We have had mixed feelings about leaving Kentucky, but feel that it is in our best interest to head home and be closer to family.  The group is great and we are excited to start researching areas, schools and begin planning our future.  This move is so important and crucial to our kids since this is where they will permanently be.  When you are a student or resident you don't have any control over your general location and know that everything is temporary.  It might be for years at at time, but a future move is eminent.  This time it is for real and I feel much more responsibility to make the correct choice of location.  Once Trey starts junior high (one year after we move in), I do not want to change schools and friends.  It will be important to let them settle in and plan their futures and pursuits in the new area.

A few other random bits of life.... my brother Kurt celebrated his 22nd birthday in India and arrived home safely to Salt Lake yesterday afternoon.  He'll be moving to his apartment near BYU this weekend.  Rich's brother Taylor celebrated his 25th birthday yesterday.  My brother Brad and his wife Jana and my brother Greg and his wife Kate are both expecting babies in February.  Rich's brother Danny and his wife are expecting a baby as well.  Rich's parents are currently in Europe to watch the Passion Play in Germany.  It only is performed every ten years.  Rhett recently spent a weekend up in Milwaukee with Jeff and Sarah (Brad and Jana were Sacramento for her brother's wedding).  It was his last hurrah before he enters the MTC in a few weeks.  I am currently enjoying watching the new season of Project Runway (Rich thinks it's Freak TV) and now have a DVR TV in my room where the exercise bike is so I can watch prerecorded things while I work out.  Totally awesome!  I also got a slew of new books from today.  Can't wait to crack open Mockingjay and see how the Hunger Games wraps up. 

Life keeps moving on no matter if it's summer vacation or school is in session.  It doesn't make a difference we are in Kentucky or Ohio as long as we are together as a family.  I'll just keep running along trying to keep up.

One Year Old

Right smack in the middle of the madness of moving, my baby boy turned one year old.  The insanity of the move and our quick trip to the Smoky Mountains didn't allow me to sit and think about the past year with my littlest fella.  

Last night as I cuddled him in my arms, stroked his silky ginger hair and rocked him to sleep, I held his little hands, trace over his meaty, chunky feet and  kissed his chubby cheeks. 

I have enjoyed every day with Zach.  I have stopped and focused on every stage, each milestone and tried to soak it all in.  It might be because he's my last baby.  It may be because he's not a twin and I can simply give myself only to him.  I can sit and rock and sing and slow down because there isn't a second baby waiting to be soothed. 

That is true, but he's also been so easy to love.  He's been my angel.  He's a quiet, thoughtful boy who can be hauled here and there everyday and make it through.  He's happy.  He doesn't fuss.  He's a joy to be around. 

I have needed him over the past few months.  With Rich being away in Cincinnati while the kids and I stayed in Lexington he was the one that would fill my arms, the last to be kissed and tucked in and often snuggle in my bed when he woke in the middle of the night.  Zach was there to help keep the lonely feelings at bay. 

Yes, I have five other little people that bring me endless joy and delight, but sometimes you just need that one little soul that shines when you are around.  That will reach for you, cling to you and hold you tight, just because you're there.

I have not, nor will ever, forget how difficult it was to get him here.  The drama of the pregnancy will never fade and I know that he's my little miracle.  Some would say that I just got lucky.  I know that I was blessed from a gracious and kind Heavenly Father who knew this little boy was to be part of our family. 

I love everything about Zach.  I love his scrunched up nose smiles.  I love his need to explore every cupboard and bag.  I love his soft giggles and his deep belly laugh.  I love his red hair, his bright blue eyes and 8 tiny white teeth.  I love how he hums while he eats.  I love that he'll always clear his plate and that he never refuses to try new food.  I love that he can blow through a straw and giggles from the bubbles.  I love his determination to learn to walk even when he looked like a drunken sailor tipping over again and again.  I love that he can now freely walk around the house with a proud look on his face.  I love that he'll try to comb his own hair.  I laugh that he loves to attack the computer and grab for the mouse.  I love that he is entertained by his sisters.  I love that he takes a long nap in the afternoon.  I loves his zest and excitement for life.  It's contagious.

I love you Z. 

Happy Birthday buddy.

Thanks for making the last 365 plus days so special.

We waited a long time to have you join our family.

And you didn't disappoint.


Your Mom

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On the GO!

First Day of School

Summit Elementary School
Cincinnati, Ohio
Trey- 5th grade- Mrs. Gerstle
Matt- 3rd grade- Mrs. Meeker
Josh- 3rd grade- Mrs. Moran
The walking crew.  Anna (3rd), Michael(4th) and Nate Hooper (6th) live down the street and are in our ward.  The boys have become fast best friends and will walk to and from school each day together.  The school is two blocks from our house.  School starts at 9:10 AM (talk about sleeping in!!!) and ends at 3:40 PM.  They left at 8:50 AM and were home before 4 PM.

The three left behind....
lovin' the odd assortment of sleep attire.  I am SO glad I have my littlest buddies to keep me company while the boys are away.
Lunch with Josh and Matt 
11:45 AM
Trey's lunch isn't until 1:15 PM, so we will have to do lunch on separate days.
I was the ONLY parent at lunch.
Um, let's just say, Summit isn't Veterans Park and I'm missing it already. 
My heart hurt a bit for the boys. 
How can you ever compare another school to the best EVER? 
Seriously, I thought about moving back to Lexington.
Which is saying a lot since I just moved and the horror of it is still fresh in my mind.
The school is fine, but I didn't come away feeling impressed.
The boys' teachers come highly recommended, but the kids I saw looked odd. 
Obviously it's impossible to judge an entire 3rd grade of 100 kids, but I was grateful Josh and Matt have each other this year.
Maybe it's just first day jitters. 
Not sure though.
Fingers crossed. 
(And currently searching for the best elementary school in Utah County....)
Pizza, salad, strawberries, chocolate milk
179 days to go.... but who's counting....

Day Two
 Lunch with Trey (and his friend Micah)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birthday Bash

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Zach's First Birthday
The decorations and gifts
It was so fun to have a real party and decorations in our home in Lexington.  The main floor still looks the same so it was strange to have the normal birthday set up when the rest of the house was empty.
The birthday boy
He had no idea it was his birthday, but he did enjoy the balloons.
After a long morning of deep cleaning the house and long nap for the birthday guy, we were all ready to PARTY!!
Kaitlyn picked out the Pooh Bear Theme from a magazine.  I was thrilled to find the same decorations at Wal-mart.
Zach liked the party blowers too.
He really liked the candle,
and had some help blowing it out.
Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.  It reminded me of my mom's cake roll.

Zach ate two slices
and loved every bite!
Present time!

Zach and his biggest fans.  WE LOVE YOU ZACH!!!  Happy Birthday Buddy!
He had so much fun, we wore him right out.  Now off to Cumberlands Falls and then Gatlinburg, TN!

Moving Day

Monday, August 9, 2010

Our moving day finally arrived.  The van came around noon on Monday.  The three movers were here until 9:30 PM.  No matter how prepared you are and how long you have packed and cleaned, moving is endless and the actual moving day is hard. 

Rich said that the actual moving part takes about four days, which is true.  One to do all the last minute pack ups that you can't do before hand (clothes, food, etc.), one to load the truck, one to unload the truck, and one to unpack and clean. 

It is kind of like having a baby.  You have to go into labor, give birth, stay in the hospital and then it still takes a while to recover.  Just like with a baby, moving leaves lasting memories.  You will always remember the effort it took to pack up your house, clean and then do it again on the other side.  It's something you need time to forget before you ever want to do it again. 

Nice to know I'll be doing it again in ten months time.  And this time it's cross country.  Happy thought, right?!  That's why we are NOT opening any boxes unless they are absolutely necessary.   Hopefully this move will make the next one much easier.  Here's to hoping.

There were some dramatic moments moving the killer heavy dresser from the upstairs.  I waited in the kitchen not wanting to look and hoped I didn't hear any screams or loud crashes.  The main moving guy said in the fifteen years he has moved things, he had never moved any piece of furniture that heavy.  He said it weighed at least 500 lbs.  The only thing heavier he had moved was a safe, with six men.  The piano moved easily as well as the upstairs washer and dryer and other two dressers. 

We filled the entire truck up and the load weighed 10,000 lbs.  How do we have so much stuff?!  Did I mention we left a few beds and most of the main floor furniture.  It was crazy. 

They couldn't fit Rich's weight set and bench in the truck, so early the next morning we rented a U-Haul and got the weights loaded, the basketball standard and a few other odds and ends.  Rich drove the big van and I followed behind with the kids and a SUV bulging with lamps, glass items and plants.

We met the truck up in Cincinnati on Tuesday around 1 PM and they wrapped up around 9 PM.  It was a LONG couple of days. 

At least I had everything well marked so we were able to put items that can stay packed up in the storage room, put the food and food storage in a corner and the toys by the washer and dryer.  I got the kitchen unpacked that night and by Wednesday afternoon the main floor was put away, the bedrooms were decent and the basement was organized. 

It helped that we were leaving for Lexington Wednesday night and we needed to pack for our little trip.  I didn't think about trying to find items to pack when everything was scattered and buried in boxes.  It was unpacking in fast forward.

The house in Cincinnati will be great and we fit all of our things in with lots of room to spare.  (Rich was convinced we'd fill up the basement and not be able to fit all of our "junk".)

We drove back to Lexington on Wednesday night and deep cleaned the house on Thursday.  We painted base boards, cleaned the carpets, scrubbed base boards, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms and killed the millions of flies that came in the house on moving day.  It was a lot of work and the kids really pitched in, but they were rewarded.  We left that night around 5 PM for our little weekend getaway.  Our first in five years!

We dropped the house another $5,000 and are having an open house next Sunday.  We are now asking what we paid for the house 4 years ago.  The market is just so slow and we are worried it might get worse before it gets better.  We are still hopeful that someone will come through and see what a great place it is and we'll be able to sell it sooner than later. At least we won't have to deep clean it for showings.  We will just leave it clean and come back on the weekends to work in the yard and do any last minute touch ups.

It really was hard to see the truck drive away with our belongings.  We have loved Lexington.  It has truly been our home.  The girls were 3 1/2 months old when we moved in.  This is where Zach was born.  The boys were baptized here.  They were involved in soccer, basketball, baseball and swim team.  We can't say enough about the school.  It's the best we could ever find.  We loved our ward and the many good friends we have made.  We leave with only fond memories of happy times and have no regrets from the past four years.  Kentucky has been so good to us over the last decade and we will always be grateful for the Bluegrass state and our time spent in horse country.  We will always and forever Bleed Blue.

Cincinnati Bengals Training Camp 2010

Georgetown, KY

QB Carson Palmer (#9) calling plays

WR Chad Ochocinco (#85) catching a pass

Look at those GOLD shoes!  Must have taken some fashion tips from his Dancing with the Star friends.
Stretching after pratice
New Bengal WR Terrell Owens (#81) chatting with Chad

It was CRAZY HOT!  97 degrees with 80% humidity
I went into labor with Zach driving home from the camp last year.  Obviously, he's

Post pratice autograph line for those 18 years old and younger.  This was the first year they did this, since they had record crowds during the first week of training camp.

This day they had the rookies sign autographs under the tent.

We also nabbed a few signatures of veterans that were down near the field.  RB Brian Leonard (#40)
G/C Bobbie Williams (#63)
"Who Dey" is the name of a chant of support by fans of the Cincinnati Bengals, in use for over 30 years. The entire chant is: "Who dey! Who dey! Who dey think gonna beat dem Bengals?" The answer screamed in unison, "Nobody!" Sometimes fans will instead shout "Who Dey" to represent the entire cheer. "Who Dey" is also the name of the team’s mascot, a Bengal tiger.  Bobbie had every yell "Who Dey!" when you posed for a picture.
We got lucky this year and saw Carson Palmer signing autographs out past the tent.  We hurried and got close to him, even though security was trying to usher people to the exit gates.
QB Carson Palmer #9
Checkin' out the signatures
Fun day spent together.  We ate at Wendy's on the way home, just like the year before.  Thankfully I will NOT be giving birth just hours after like I did in 2009!

"Who Dey!!"