Sunday, September 9, 2007

Little Things

I love the fact my boys and their friends love to hang out here in our home. I hope it always stays like this. I love being the designated "Kool Aid" house as my mom once put it. I don't mind feeding the wave of little boys coming in and out giving them popsicles and treats. It's true that I have no problem with stocking the cupboards with snacks and goodies that most mothers might consider rationing, but why not enjoy something tasty everyday to celebrate the little things in life.

The boys worked really hard at school, baseball and soccer all week, so what better way to celebrate the weekend than invite the gang over to play, eat and get way, way to wild. Thank heavens for basements. I am so glad we live in a little cul-de-sac where they can run around outside and have a childhood similar to my own. I didn't think that could be possible anymore with all the worry about child abductions. They love it here in Lexington and that is the best thing a mother could ask for.

The Wild Bunch: Trey, Ethan, Matt, Luke, Alec, Josh J., Josh P. and Sam. All we need are Luke B., Trevor, Boston and Keenan and we would have a complete set of best buds!

Feeding the masses. Thankfully they all seem to enjoy a nice big bowl of mac and cheese.

Glad the boys will have to clean up the basement after they all leave and not me. I'll designate myself as supervisor over the picking up.

I love these times of my life, having all my kids home, watching them grow and develop. What a rewarding thing it is to be a mom and have the added luxury of staying home with them. It's the best job in the world.

I loved the quote on my Mary Engelbreit calendar last week. It said, "Enjoy the small things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

Celebrating the small, even the Friday afternoon party of cookies, root beer and mac and cheese with friends makes living each day a little sweeter.


Joe and Amy said...

Lexington sounds like a great place to live. We haven't felt quite so safe here. We have no reason to feel unsafe, things are just unfamiliar still. That is one things I dream about for my have some of the wonderful carefree experiences I enjoyed in my childhood. It gives me hope to hear that there are places out there where you can still feel and experience that. I agree, I want my kids and their friends to want to hang out at my house. Amy

Sally said...

I love this post, I had a similar reminder today that small things are big things. You are a fun Mom and very smart to want your house to be the "Hang out"

Tiffany said...

How sweet of you to mention Keenan. I'm positive he would've LOVED to be there. He often asks when he'll see "Josh, Matt and Trey" -- for some reason he always says their names in that same order. It was fun to see Ethan and Alec Kramer in there. I'm glad that's working out.

Marcie said...

I love that quote and copied it for future use.

I too, live in that kind of a cul-de-sac and am grateful daily for it.

I, however, do not usually feed them all Mac and Cheese. You definitely are a cool mom!