Saturday, September 22, 2007

Miss Indecisive

Pincher the Hermit Crab has proven once and for all, she is in fact a girl. No, she didn't lay eggs and I didn't find some site on the Internet telling you how to determine a crab's gender. She has shown us in ways far more telling. You see, she keep insisting on changing her clothes. She isn't content with just one shell and has to keep trying them on to see which looks better. That proves without a dobut that she is 100% a girl. I'd say it is a completely indisputable, rock solid case! Here she is on the left in her original shell. When I put her new "upgrade" in their box, she quickly began inspecting it, judging it on the cut, color, fit and of course to see if it brought out her best feature, her eyes!
Changed to the new larger green model. She looks Fab! Last night she once again pulled a switcheroo on us. She is now back to original one. She must be a fan of the skinny jean. Matt tells me she has her PJ's on. I guess that's another way to look at it!

Hermit Crabs are my favorite pet yet!

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