Sunday, October 21, 2007

Josh and the Toothfairy

How many kids can say they lost their first tooth by biting into a cold, hard popsicle? Probably not many, but seeing that Josh eats more popsicles than any child I've ever seen it seems appropriate.

Last night was a pleasant surprise to us all. Josh had mentioned once that he a slightly loose tooth, but I guess after all the wart hoopla, the last thing he wanted to think about was me ripping his tooth out with dental floss. Which, by the way, I wouldn't have done unless he asked.

Josh was not only sensitive to his harboring thoughts of his torturous mother, but he was saddened each time Trey or Matt lost yet another tooth. He was the last of the dudes to lose a pearly white.I was reading a book in the family room with little Kaitlyn when Josh came rushing in exclaiming the good news. He said he simply bit into the frozen treat which made the tooth very wiggly and then he just popped it out with his tongue. He was quite skilled for a first timer!

As he posed for pictures we managed to lose the tooth twice on the carpet, so once we snapped the need shots, it was put in a snack size Ziploc for save keeping.Congrats Josh and hope you find a little something special when you wake up!


Marcie said...

Congrats Josh on joining the toothless club.

Holly said...

Josh--you look great with a missing tooth! I once lost a tooth while biting on a chocolate easter bunny. When I took the bunny out of my mouth, there was the tooth pointing out of the bunny!

Heather Woolley said...

Congratulations Joshy! You are such a handsome kid. I wish I could look as cute with teeth missing!

Laura F said...

Cheryl, would you really pull your kids' teeth? I have a son who's been begging me for a week now to pull one of his loose teeth, and I keep telling him just to wait until it falls out because honestly the thought kind of freaks me out! He needs you! :-) Congrats, Josh!