Thursday, October 18, 2007


My friend Kellie tagged me with this group of questions. I thought it was a fun and different set. We'll see what you learn new about me this time around!

1. Best thing you cooked last week? I am proud to say I actually cooked last week, which at times is a rare thing. I think the thing I like best was my mom's Boston Clam Chowder. If I made the original recipe it could kill you, but I used light butter and fat free half and half, so the soup was actually healthy and still had lots of flavor. Beware when using light butter, making a rue is tough stuff and you have to whisk like crazy to get the lumps out when you add the liquid. Good stuff and perfect for fall.

2. If money, time and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who? I would take Rich along with me for a three week European cruise. I have been to Europe with my Mom when I was in high school, but only saw four countries. Rich has never been and while I don't think he would love to hop on trains, buses and cars each day to get around or see every museum in every town, he would love cruising it. Cruises have been some of my favorite vacations and this way you could see a different country everyday, not worry about the language barrier and have fun days at sea too. This one will happen sometime in my lifetime I promise!

3. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember when it was. There are times when I'll read something and just have a good cry or a commercial on TV will make me melt, but it just hasn't happened recently.

4. 5 things you were doing this month 10 years ago. October 1997, we had just moved into our condo in Provo and had only been married for six months. Rich had gradated from Stanford in May of that spring. We loved our BYU married ward and made some great friends there. They put Rich in the bishopric and he started working for some little start up companies in Utah County. I started the co-hort (elementary education) program at BYU. I was teaching school every morning at Larson Elementary school in Spanish Fork, Utah and had classes on campus most afternoons. My back had just started to give me problems (years of running and cheer leading did me in) and ended up having back surgery (discectomy L-5 S-1) in December 2007.

5. 5 things on your to do list today: Take my mom to the airport (so sad to have her leave!), exchange and return clothes at the mall- not as excited since the boys are out of school today with their fall break-, go to the grocery store (eggs and milk), clean out the boys closet (get rid of out grown summer clothes) and write my missionary brother Kurt a letter since I forgot to write last week.

6. 5 favorite snacks: Pretzels, popcorn, cashews, honey roasted peanuts, cherry Nibs and pink, yellow and green little mints shaped like chocolate chips that have white crunchy candies on the bottom and are served at baby showers and weddings. Besides the pretzels, I don't buy these items very often since I tend to eat them all up in one day. I have a hard time rationing, so I just stay away all together!

7. 5 bad habits: Stay up too late, never being on time (I do try though!), blog when I should be doing other things, obsessing over things- I need to talk it out with Rich or my mom until it drives them nuts and they say STOP! and once I buy something and it doesn't work out, I want to take it back right then! It seems like I need to work on my patience!

8. 5 favorite foods: Cafe Rio beef salad with black beans and creamy dressing, Chili's con queso/ Chili's chips and salsa, Chili's Quesadilla Explosion salad, Taco Bell spicy chicken soft taco, cold, sweet watermelon, freshly picked corn on the cob and See's Nuts and Chew chocolate candies.

9. 5 places I've been: Rome, Paris, London, Boston, Kauai

10. 5 favorite memories:

1. Seeing a total eclipse of the sun on the Big Island of Hawaii on July 11, 1991 with my family. My brother Rhett was born one month later to the day.

2. My wedding day: April 26, 1997. Perfect day from start to finish.

3. The births of my five children- I wanted to video tape them all, but didn't do it ever. I regret that, but with my 2 sets of twins they were stressful births, so it didn't happen (actually they don't allow it here in KY) and we just didn't pull out the camera for Trey's big arrival.

4. Taking my boys to Disneyland. It's my favorite place on earth!

5. Watching Thunder Over Louisville with our lifelong friends in Louisville. Such a great event.

Now I tag Marcie, Amanda, Amy and Heather W. I can't wait to read all about you!


Barney Family said...

Cheryl I love your recent posts. So insightful. I didn't realize that you had back surgery! I knew it gave you fits but, I didn't realize it was so serious. I also didn't realize you taught at Larsen and helped with the Cohort program at BYU. Doesn't this all seem so long ago!!
I like your post about traiding places with others. I too have seen people on a bus or train in a big city and questioned what there life is like? I too wouldn't traid my life for anything.

Thanks for playing the game and sharing. I enjoy reading your posts and gaining strength from your experiences.


Laura F said...

Cheryl, you are so cute! I agree with you about not trading with anyone. As I started writing this, Erick came running in and said "Mom! Good news!" pause... "I burped inside my mouth!" (We've been having bodily function issues around our house these days - does that come with kindergarten?) Anyway, then I got a big high five. They just make me laugh. :-) Anyway... I thought I emailed you this but maybe I was dreaming, and I can't find your address now, but I did recently get blogging a little... we're at

I love hearing how you're doing, and am so sad you're losing your mom today!!! I used to cry every time mine left! It's strange being in Utah again for a lot of reasons, but being close to family is the best!

Marcie said...

Loved reading this...I learned so much about you. I ,also, didn't know about the back surgery. I want to go with you on the 3 week european cruise. Madsens, Taylors...plan on it in ten years. What fun we would all have!

Cheryl said...


Throw in the Hamilton's and book it tomorrow!


Marcie said...

Totally forgot to mention the Hamiltons(who are one of my favorite couples)...

That's what you get Kristi for not having a blog! Again...why don't you have a blog Kristi?

It's a done deal!

Sue said...

I love when people are tagged, so that I get a chance to read fun facts about people! It's crazy how much life has changed in the last 10 years and how fast it has went by. It was fun to see what you were doing 10 years ago. I wish I would have realized how much time I actually had.