Sunday, October 7, 2007

General Conference

What beautiful messages where shared during the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints semiannual General Conference yesterday and today. While I would love to put up my favorite quotes, when I checked I found that the written transcriptions will not be up until Thursday, so they will have to wait, but I wanted to jot down a few items that seemed to be spoken straight to me.

I was especially touched by Elder Joseph B. Worthlin and his council on Love. It is one of the greatest powers on earth and if used, it can change us the most. I hope I show love to my husband and children on a daily basis and that my Heavenly Father knows how much I love and appreciate all the blessings he has given me in my life.

I was moved by President Henry B. Eyring's words about being overwhelmed by a calling or situation in our lives. I can't even begin to imagine what he is feeling, but through it all we should 'Count our Blessings' and see all that the Lord has given us. Words to live by.

Sister Julie Beck (General Relief Socitey President) gave so many wonderful statment regarding motherhood. I may have been doing a few, but have so much to work on.

And I loved Elder Dallin H. Oaks words about choices. Yes, there may be 3 good choices, but there probably will always be a good, better and best option. So here's to putting away the PS2, having more meaningful Family Home Evenings, reading my scriptures a bit more and blogging a bit less. I just need to use a bit more disgresion about how my family and I spend our free time, because there are better things to be done that really matter in the long run.

How blessed I am to have listened to inspired men and women and be spiritual fed at a time when it was so greatly needed. Blessed indeed!


Marcie said...

I also took so much from this conference, and have been inspired to do more, do less, and be grateful for it all.

Laura F said...

Cheryl, I agree with you on so many things in this conference, and am glad you took the time to write them down! It seems as though there's just not enough time some days to ponder things in the way I'd like, especially after conference. I need to write the thoughts I've had, too, but until Thursday it's nice to have yours to reference. ;-)

Joe and Amy said...

Loved your comments! I felt so many of the same things. I loved your suggestions on games in the new post. We've played the adult version of Apples to Apples and we love it! I'll ahve to check out the Jr. version. Thanks for the ideas! Love, Amy