Friday, October 12, 2007


As I dashed out the door this afternoon to pick up the boys I grabbed the mail and tossed it into my bag. After ten minutes of watching Matt slowly move down the hill collecting walnuts and flowers (for me!) he finally got to the van, the last kid in the entire school to get picked up. By then I had completely forgotten about my stack of letters tucked away.

It was Friday and homework and spelling tests were done for the week. I knew it was time to celebrate. We headed off to Taco Bell and Burger King. While we were waiting in the drive thru getting nuggets, I remembered the mail waiting for me in my purse. As I sifted through the mailers and newspapers I saw an envelope that made me gasp. It was from Fayette Circuit Courts. I knew I'd get a response for my Jury Duty service by October 15, but I didn't expect it today.

The boys knew something was amiss, so they flew to the front of the van as I held the letter. I told them it was my Jury letter. They felt my fear. As I tore open the envelope it brought back memories of opening my ACT results. I was seriously shaking. And as they say in the musical Wicked.....

"GOOD NEWS!!!" I had been excused for the November 2007 Jury Panel.

The boys were jumping up and down screaming for joy. Matt said, "We are so lucky! I don't know whose house we would have slept at if Mom had to be on a Jury!"

Obviously, it wouldn't have been that crazy, but it would have been "Bad, something Baaaaad!" (Sorry I have Wicked on the brain and couldn't help myself!)

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. It worked! Hooray!!!


Marcie said...

What a relief for you......and apparently Matt.

jamie said...

that's the best news. i'm so glad they came to their senses and realized how ridiculous their request has been. :) Yeah!!! congrats!

Sally said...

So very happy for you! That is the BEST mail ever!

Joe and Amy said...

So glad things worked out the way they did. Whew!