Monday, October 22, 2007

Airplanes, Airplanes All Around!

With the boys fall break nearing an end on Saturday and Rich stuck once again at the hospital all weekend, I knew we needed to get out and do something fun and different. The day before I had thought about taking them to the Lexington Explorium which, I hear, is a very small, but still fun science type center downtown. I have been spoiled by the enormous Louisville Science Center and currently have a year pass for that and the Louisville Zoo and didn't really feel like paying $30.00 for the day or really go all out and buy a year pass for $75.00 for a museum that might entertain for 45 minutes. That's something I'm still deciding on. Plus I didn't want to fight the crowds with the kids.

Then I remembered something I read earlier in the week. When I took my mom to the airport on Thursday, I noticed a sign that I had seen before. It read The Aviation Museum of Kentucky with an arrow pointing the direction to turn. That sounded like something right up my boys alley.

I checked online and the museum would only set me back $15.00 so I thought that was the better option. When we all just couldn't take one more minute of cartoons (that might have just been me!) I told them to get their shoes on and jump in the van. We were going out!The boys weren't sure what to expect, but they were soon grinning ear to ear and loving all the place had to offer. Trey asked the guide if this was the Wright Brother's plane. I was impressed with his knowledge. It actually is a 4 winged plane built by a man from Lexington in the early 1920's. When the man took us through the backdoor and lead outside, what we found made Matt's mouth drop open, a real US Army helicopter. They just couldn't get enough of the painted face. There were also two fighter jets. Inside they got to sit in a real airplane and try out the controls. They loved watching the flaps go up and down. Kaitlyn and Trey take a turn. Our two flying aces, Brynn and Kaitlyn. The boys really loved getting into the army helicopter.Josh and Matt get ready for lift off.They were impressed with this engine's size. They made the comment that these kind of planes get us home to Utah. Yes, they do.A Louisville newspaper from May 1, 1945 announcing Hitler's death.This was my favorite plane. I have watched the Blue Angels in action when I was small. Sadly during the show one of the planes crashed and the pilot was killed. It is a day I'll always remember. I still love airshows and have enjoyed watching the various planes that fly overhead all day while you wait for Thunder Over Louisville.

We had a great afternoon and since I knew this was a one time trip, I let the boys pick out something inexpensive from the gift shop. They all settled on rubbery airplanes that were a bargain at $2.50 each.

One more thought- You have gotta love Matt and his outfit. Not many kids could get away with a green t-shirt, open Hawaiian button up and a pirate vest. When Rich saw the pictures he said, "Matt obviously dressed himself today." Yes, and he's got style and spunk to spare!


Heather Woolley said...

What a great idea. The kids all seem like they did so well through the whole thing too! I'm so impressed that you just take all five anywhere like it's no big deal. I know parents that wouldn't dream of even taking two of their kids anywhere by themself. You're amazing. Great pictures!! really cute!

Marcie said...

What fun! My boys would love that outing also.

Amanda said...

That sounds like so much fun. My boys would absolutely love that. They're pretty big into airplanes.