Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tagged Again!

I read Jamie's blog and thought this tag was SO funny. It really isn't something I'd seen before and it's great to get to know the true us a bit more in depth. Since she tagged everyone who read hers, I thought I'd play along. It's funny how once you read something about other people you start thinking what you would have written. Here goes!

Ten Random, Strange and Fun Facts about Me!

1. I am a hummer. No, I don't drive a huge SVU or hope to be one, I hum songs all day long. I do realize I do it, but it doesn't stop me from humming while I am around other people. I even caught myself humming at the doctor's office yesterday when I took the gang in for a fun day of family flu shots! People must think I have a few screws loose in my noggin! My Grandma Nance is a hummer too. The bad part, songs get stuck in my head and I hum the same one for days, maybe even weeks at a time.

2. Everyone in my family has blue eyes. My mom and dad, 5 brothers and myself all have blue. Rich has blue, thus my 5 children have blue. I don't think I would believe my baby was mine unless it had a set of baby blues.

3. I like to eat pretzels (the hard, chip variety) in sauces. I love dunking them in mustard, Wendy's Honey Mustard, McDonald's Hot Mustard and in college, the strangest one was ketchup. Weird I know. I never eat the ketchup dip anymore, but I do like the combo of eating pretzels with carrots. I guess it's the salt factor.

4. I am in love with salt. I salt before I taste, have to have a salt shaker by me during the meal and think most food would be a waste of calories if I didn't sprinkle some sodium on it. My kids have turned into their mother. When we get french fries, I dump out a salt packet on the side and my kids dip each fry into the pile. What bad habits I'm teaching them!

5. I am a total night owl. I have a hard time going to bed before midnight. It rarely ever happens. When Rich is on call, I really don't go to bed. I usually work on things I can't do when the kids are awake. I have cleaned out closets, scrubbed down the kitchen floor and bought things online at 2 AM. I do draw the line at 3 AM. If I am not in bed my then, I realize how tired I am going to be in the morning, since by then it practically is sunrise. We did get a home alarm so we can be safe on all the nights Rich is away at the hospital, but I still hate to go to bed alone.

6. I hate telling Rich the real cost of things. I tend to be a bit a free spender and usually want to try to hide all my purchases from him. Sometimes I'll wait until he asks if something is new before I confess. I have been trying really hard to be more thrifty, but the truth is I am not very good at being a poor person!

7. I like trying new extreme sports. I have been bungee jumping, sky diving, climbed rock walls, been repelling, and am a certified scuba diver. I love roller coasters and am not afraid of heights. I hope my kids don't turn into me on this one.

8. I don't mind running errands with wet hair and no makeup. I have even been to class parties, baseball games, lunch with the boys and parent teacher conferences just moments out of the shower. I just always push things to the limit time wise and getting ready is always last on my list. This is something I should seriously work on!

9. I am a grazer. I never eat set meals, almost always eat standing up and am rarely hungry when I finish cooking dinner since I ate the entire time I prepared it. I guess that is why I have a hard time remembering to make something for dinner, because hunger pains are not driving me to bake!

10. I love Wal-mart SuperCenters. I could be the girl on the ads because nearly every penny we earn is spent there. I love that I can get almost everything in one stop (diapers, Rx, milk, socks for the boys, flowers for the planters, Halloween costumes, etc). I love their prices, I know where everything is and I know half, yes, half the people that work at our Wal-mart. But, I am easy to spot with one baby in the cart and one in my arms. They love to stop and talk to Brynn and Kaitlyn. Just yesterday the woman at the return line told me how different they are looking. So funny. I guess that happens when you are there every other day. Thank heavens it's only a five minute drive.

Now I'm going to follow Jamie's idea and tag everyone who read this. Come on, you know you were thinking what you do while you were reading. Don't worry about the amount of information, just write what you thought about. Try for between 5-10 items. That will give us enough dish. I can't wait to read more about all of you!


Marcie said...

I didn't know you had been sky diving, I've always wanted to go.

Loved learning more about you!

I will do this one, just going to have to wait until next week when I have a little more time......there is nothing wrong with hoping..right?

Amanda said...

Believe it or not, most of those things I already knew about you. I have many fond memories of you eating pretzels with mustard in our small dorm in Hawaii. I'd forgotten until you brought it up, but it's a very vivid memory. So much fun. I thought you were crazy until I tried it myself.

I too feel the same about Wal-Mart. Since it is just two blocks from my house (in Utah) I spent a lot of time and money there. In fact, let's be honest, I miss Wal-Mart.

Eventually I will post my own, but it will take me some time. Thanks for the info. Loved it! It brought back good memories. I was there when you went skydiving, remember? And I believe you certified in Scuba diving in Hawaii, am I right?

Love you! So fun to keep in touch.

Sally said...

I loved this- so fun to learn more about you. I just love the fact that you tell it like it is!

I'll start thinking about a list!

Heather Woolley said...

Cheryl you are so great. And just FYI, if I could pull of the wet hair and no makeup look as flawlessly as you do, I'd do that EVERY day!! I love that you enjoy a good thrill. Me too. You are so clever. I loved how you began this blog entry. "I am a hummer", too cute.

Cheryl said...


Of course I remember you were with me when I went to SkyDiveU out past Lehi. Do you remember that my mom refused to come along and didn't talk to me for a few days before and after?

Yes, I certified in Hawaii. That is probably the only thing we didn't do together.

I can't wait to read your list later!


Kristi said...

I am not sure what tagging is because I am not apart of the blogging fold yet. I also was not surprised by your list of random things. I have on many occasions wondered how you can stand dipping your fries into salt. I also didn't know there were people who put salt on chinese food. I love your "just out of the shower" hippie beach chick look. If only all of us could look like Cheryl out of the shower!