Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday Tell All: Ghosts of Halloween Past

I am a girl who loves Halloween. It is one of my favorite times of the year and is almost my favorite holiday, just barely notched out of the top spot by Christmas. It started when I was small. I loved all of it; the pumpkins, the costumes, the candy, the decorations. It was a day I truly looked forward to.

Rich can't understand my fascination. He thinks any real holiday would give you a day off of work. Halloween regretfully does not. But even without the break from your job, there are so many FUN things to do. I love to dress up. Growing up my mom made a witch costume for me and I wore it for years. At first I had a green face (the original Elpheba!) and then my mom got really creative. She started using egg yolk on my face which made me yellow and looked like old crackly skin. It itched like crazy, but looked good. One year I got to wear my mom real kimono from Japan (1988), and then next year I was a 50's girl and wore my Grandma Nance's old sunglasses and my dad's letterman jacket (1989). Such fun memories.
Over the last few years, I've been a cat and a witch which is fun and easy. I really love my two hats that I bought from Hallmark and Pottery Barn Kids. I love going to costume parties. I had my first real all girl Halloween party at my house when I was in seventh grade. My mom got helium balloons, set up games, had treats and doughnuts and I loved every second of it.I love to host pumpkin carving parties. I make soup, cookies and have a few Halloween games. My senior year of high school we went to the Masquerade dance dressed up at people from Payson. They were a rival city and their school colors were green. Who gets more creative than that?
I love carving pumpkins. I love the smell, the slime and the finished product. The first year we were married I saw the Pumpkin Masters carving patterns and tools and I'm now a devout fan. They make carving worth your time and effort. I love trying to do the difficult ones and take far too many pictures of the end product. I also have so many of the tools from 10 years of collecting that our entire ward could carve a pumpkin with our supplies. I threw my first big pumpkin bash in 2000, when Trey was one year old and we lived in our condo in Provo, Utah. We invited our brothers and sisters over and I knew right then, that was something I wanted to make as a tradition. Over the years we have had so many wonderful people come over with pumpkins in hand. We would feast on cookies, goodies, soup and made some seriously incredible pumpkin masterpieces! My favorite was when Todd brought over his medical tools to help aid in the carving process. It was a sight to see!I love trying out creepy recipes (ice hand for the pumpkin carving party)
and baking tasty Halloween treats with the kids.I love going to the Louisville zoo Halloween party. The kids dress up (so do I!) and they have the zoo all decorated. It's not that they give the best candy (they don't), but the atmosphere is incredible and you should see the elaborate sets they put up. There is the Wizard of Oz, a pirate ship, huge (like 3 story high) blow up dinosaurs, Snow White, a castle and so many other little sections. It's been a tradition I love and I'll miss when we leave. I love going to pumpkin patches, going on hayrides and eating caramel apples. I love Huber Farm in Starlight, Indiana and it was a perfect fall event. Since we have been here in Lexington, we haven't driven up, but we have been to a place called Boyd's Orchard that can't compare, but it still fun, especially for the kids. We went to Boyd's last night for FHE activity with my dear friend Tiffany Rosenhan and her little Savannah. Great place for pictures, not great pumpkins! (Note Brynn- I don't know if a real family picture is in our future for a while!)I love going to haunted houses. When I was a young women, our ward went to a haunted house in Orem. It was at the State Mental Hospital. OK, that fact alone made it a lot scarier. My mom and I were the first in our group and somehow got way ahead of the other girls and ended up being alone and chased through nearly the entire thing until we finally caught up the group before us, which didn't help much since they could still get us. That was SO much fun. When I was in 9th grade a huge group of friends got together and went to a Haunted Maze type thing. It wasn't as scary, but it was still fun. One of my favorite first dates was to a haunted house and it was fun because you got to cuddle and hold your date's hand in the dark. When I was engaged to Rich and he was off in California I took my little brother Jeff and his best friend Luke to a haunted house and then to TGI Friday's. That was a great night too.
I love happy Halloween decorations and it's a real test of will power when I see the Halloween displays up in stores. I not a fan of the the skeleton, blood and grim reaper nightmare stuff. I love cute pumpkins, witches and ghosts. Even in college when I lived in Hawaii, Amanda and I decorated our door and room!I love to 'Boo' people. It's fun little way to bring a little surprise and happiness into someone life. We got Boo'd Sunday night. It seems to have come full circle! I love that Rich's birthday is in early October and that the house is all decorated up fun in his pictures. Decorating the house is a day I truly look forward to and enjoy. This picture is from Rich's birthday in 1997. And I had to put up this picture. It is the only time I can remember (besides my mom's darling scarecrow outfit when I was very young) my parents dressing up. They went to a costume party and I think either Greg or I took the photo. It was probably in 1988 or earlier. My favorite part is even on Halloween, dressed up like a vampire, my Dad still wore his scrubs. I love it!Happy Halloween!


Marcie said...

You are the Tuesday Tell All Queen of the World! What a fantastic post!

I don't even know where to begin. I love all of your pictures! Wish I could blow up some to see decorations up close. I love that you go all out on Halloween, and make it such a month long event. Your kids are the luckiest in ...your house is like one big party...with so much festivity.

I love your pumpkin carving parties...I've always wanted to do that and only done it once. Haydens birthday a few days later always makes extra party throwing a little overwhelming. Love your table decorations...the hand is great.

What a fun post....made my day!

Cheryl said...


Sorry about not being able to enlarge the photos. My scanner is broken and the new one hasn't arrived yet, so I've been taking pictures of my old pictures with my digital camera and I think since I have to crop them, it won't allow up close viewing. I have been happy that has worked though. I was freaking out when the scanner suddenly stopped working last week, but was happy I found a silly quick fix.

And you are too funny with the Queen part. I just start writing and can't stop. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing! I'm excited to link over and read yours!

jamie said...

What a great post. I love that you love Halloween so much. I have a feeling that each halloween is just going to get better with kids. i laughed at the picture of you dressing up as payson girls. that's so awesome. thanks for the peak into your memories. :)

Joe and Amy said...

I love it Cheryl, Marcie emailed me the topic last week, but I need to figure out how to use my new scanner. I'll have to pick up on the next one. You do a great job! It was so fun read and see your memories. Was that Karen with you in the Payson picture. I tried to blow it up, but couldn't get it (now I know why. Great job! I better not let my kids see your cute decorations. I am in the doghouse with them for not decorating more. I better start collecting!

Heather Woolley said...

How did you find all those pictures?! You are amazing! I loved seeing all the pictures of you through the years. You have always been so cute. I love the way you tell stories. You are so entertaining. I knew you'd have an amazing entry for this TTA. But you surpassed my expectations. Incredible.

Cheryl said...


Yes, that was Karen. We had such a fun time being together. She was my best friend and I really love her. Everyone else in the group went pretty tame, but we went toward more of a walk on the wild side. And don't worry about not posting yet. Just do it whenever it works for you. Good luck with the scanner!


You are so funny. When I was growing up my mom got double prints so I have my own photo books out here with me. They are not even a portion on the photos that were taken, but I get a glimpse of what we were doing. Before I moved to KY I took some of the photos and got color copies taken. Luckily the ones I needed for this TTA were real photos.

And Jamie,



Elder and Sister Swenson said...
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Elder and Sister Swenson said...

Cheryl, I loved reading your blog--all of it! I especially love your Halloween memories. I've not always loved Halloween, but we have had some fun pumpkin carving contests (judged by the Nances) and I use to make up some pretty fun(and scary) treats for Halloween festivities (finger cookies, litter-box cookies, bloody "martinis" with sprite, etc.) You go girl!
Wish I could be there for the carving party! (I had to delete the first one--too many typos!)