Friday, October 26, 2007

Little Happy Moments

A few little things that made me smile this morning.

1. Seeing the bright sunshine after a week of cold and rain.

2. Watching the boys turn and wave to me as they walked into the school and then seeing the girls blow them kisses back.

3. Hearing Rich's voice on the phone after a long night of call and knowing he safely got to Danville.

4. Getting gas at Sam's for $2.64 a gallon instead of the $2.89 price elsewhere.

5. Watching Kaitlyn help me shop, grabbing every item she could get her hands on and slide it onto the bottom of the cart. Brynn was not pleased she was strapped in the basket and could not join in the fun.

6. Getting a phone call from a friend who called to say she was at "MY" old Wal-mart in Louisville and was thinking of me.

7. Eating Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough straight from the tub with the girls.

8. Finishing folding all the laundry while watching the girls giggle and splash in the tub.

9. Mailing a Halloween package to my brother Kurt who is in the MTC.

10. Buying a pumpkin pie. I am going to have a slice for lunch with a big dollop of Cool Whip.

11. Watched a worker at Wal-mart set up a RedBox movie rental unit. Rentals for $1.00. Love it!

12. Knowing it is FRIDAY!!


Sue said...

It's funny how it really is the simple things that make us the most happy! It's great that you recognize them. I'm not a pumpkin pie fan but I have my own little treats that bring me a bit of happiness. I'm not so happy when my kids help me shop by throwing items into my cart. I always feel bad when I go to check out and hand a pile of unwanted items to the cashier and notify them that I didn't know they where in my cart. Here's to your happy day!!!

Sally said...

Loving the little things... I need to be better about documenting these. My favorite is eating the cookie dough straight from the tub- I am sure your girls were loving it! Yummy!

Kristi said...

I am glad to contribute to a happy moment. Every time I go to that stinking Walmart I think of you and wonder how you loved it so. I love the mascara. Thanks Cheryl!

Heather Woolley said...

Cheryl, you are so great. You help me be more observant in the every day little things. Thank you!