Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wacky Weather

This photo was taken at the BYU football game yesterday in Provo, Utah. Some of Rich's family sat through this blizzard and more snow fell overnight. This is what I would consider unusually cold for late October, but not too surprising. Most of my Halloween costumes of my youth were covered up in a ski coat and my brothers wore the full body variety (dinosaur) with a full layer of clothes underneath to keep the chill away.

Then we moved to Kentucky and I experienced my first warm Halloween of my life. The boys had on short sleeves and I was in flip flops. It was like Trick-or-Treating in August.

I haven't come to expect warm fall months, but it's a real treat when we get to have a few late summer days in October. Today was one of those. We topped out at a blistering 86 degrees! Sure that might seem cool in Phoenix, but in Lexington that was a heat wave! When we got home from church I told the boys it was a no TV day. We were going outside to enjoy the sunshine because I'm sure our days are limited. We all needed the fresh air and had a great time playing together.I had to put on different outfits on the girls because they were baking in their long sleeves! I obviously didn't watch the weather this morning!
Kaitlyn points out our neighbors dogs. She loves them! Josh practicing his jump shot.Matt made 3 shots in a row! That's a record. Rich would be so proud!
The boys played a mean game of soccer. Tears were shed, tempers flared, but all remained friends at the end. Maybe it wasn't the perfect Sunday activity.After all the rough and tumble fun, the girls ended the day with a quick dunk in the sink.

I hope it warms up in Utah and we don't get their storm two days from now. I would have to seriously dig to find our coats and sweaters!


Heather Woolley said...

I think we were slightly affected by the storm here in Arizona. It was really windy and when I walked out of church (at 5:30pm, way too late to ever get out of church if you ask me!), it was really windy, and I was really cold. I had no idea how cold it was until I got in my car and turned it on. It read 76 degrees. I've become a wimp!!! Freezing in 76 degree weather?!! I can't believe how hot it was in Kentucky!!

Marcie said...

Wow! 86 that is hot...for anywhere.

We are back to normal weather here (60's) the snow was just a little diversion.

Jim and Hayden were at the BYU game and I was spent half of the time worrying and half the time grateful that I opted to keep the other two at home.

Ashlee said...

I can't believe it snowed in Utah. I'm sure next week it will be in the 70's again. Utah weather is so crazy.
Right now I'm enjoying the nice weather but the thought of winter is quite depressing. I don't know what I'm going to do all day stuck inside. I'll have to come up with some major projects.