Saturday, October 27, 2007


Tonight was our ward's Trunk-or-Treat and was held in the parking lot of our neighborhood pool. It was so nice to be a 30 second drive away instead of the long 20 minute trek to the building. The weather which had been cold, misty and miserable this morning at soccer, cleared up and we had a very pleasant night outside without coats or jackets.

After our fashion show in the basement a few weeks ago, we had all the costumes picked out, but it was still madness to get everyone ready on time. We had a full morning of soccer, splurged on lunch and then spent a hour digging the guts out of our pumpkins so we can carve them tomorrow. It would have been nice to get them cut out today, but there just wasn't time.

I spent an hour in the storage room digging through boxes looking for my witch fingers, wig and cape. I also found items to put in the back of our van to make it festive. When I came up from the basement, the kitchen had been slimed with pumpkin seeds while three little boys chased each other around with spoons. The girls had joined in the fun and all I can say was the house looked a bit blown up when we finally got out the door.
Trey decided to be the Hulk and wanted to spray his hair black and paint his face green. That was the hardest part of all the costumes, so I got lucky this year. Josh was Batman tonight, but said he'll be Superman on Halloween. Matt was Raphael Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.Brynn was a witch fairy. Too bad she didn't like her hat.Kaitlyn was a spider witch. She said no thank you to her hat too. We got the van all decorated. And even invited a few neighbors from our cul-de-sac to join in the fun. We didn't win any prizes for best car or costume, but we had hot chocolate, hot apple cider and doughnuts, so we felt like we had already won. It was a wonderful night and we are counting down the minutes until we can do it again on Wednesday.

Happy Halloween!


Marcie said...

What fun- you all look great in your costumes.....Trunk or Treat what a great thing...ours is Tuesday.

Sally said...

Love to see all of the costumes and that you joined in the fun. I am going to be a witch tomorrow for Olivias little party with her friends. Can't wait!

Heather Woolley said...

Cutest costumes on the cutest kids! Loved it. The decorations on your car were great too!! It's looks like so much fun! We've got to get out there for a visit! Oh, and ok, the pumpkin seed mess would have been the end of me.