Monday, July 30, 2007

Wild Animals or Wild Boys?

The boys were out back running through the sprinklers tonight when the air was pierced by a high pitched scream. Trey rushed inside, arms wrapped around his body grasping his back. Through the tears he exclaimed, "Josh attacked me like a wild bear!" There were serious red raised lines on random parts of his neck and back. Yes, it could have been a vicious animal attack instead of his little brother.

A few months ago Matt was the attacker and Josh cried out "he scratched me like a wolverine!" It seems that the Discovery Channel has taught them about dangerous creatures.

We have had many animals comparisons over the years, making me wonder if I'm raising boys or a pack of wolves. They try to leave the basement looking like a "pigsty", the pass gas that reminds me of skunk spray, wrestle with the ferocity of angry gorillas, splash and dive in the tub like seals, climb on the furniture like monkeys and sneak around the house like mice after they've been tucking in for the night. They laugh like hyenas, they stalk the girls like lions and Matt certainly qualifies as a pack rat. But through it all they are best friends. I hope years from now they will laugh about the crazy years of growing up together in the wild jungles of Kentucky!


Sally said...

Cheryl I am so serious about you writing childrens books! That post would make the cutest story- you just have a way with words that people like me love to read!

Maybe Marcie's Hayden could be your illustrator!

Marcie said...

You're right Sally, that post would make a great children's book. If you don't use it Cheryl, I may buy the rights to it in 10 years when I have time to do things like that.

Cheryl said...

You are both too kind. I think what I have are crazy, but lovable children!