Friday, July 20, 2007

The Dark Mark

T-minus 39 minutes, but who's counting. Oh yeah, ME!!

I had to make a quick report that the Dark Mark has been seen in our home. Somehow Voldemort was able to penetrate all our spells, jinxes and enchantments protecting our little abode and was able to turn our little bunch into Death Eaters. Hope I don't feel it burning at midnight because I won't come running to the Dark Lord, plus I haven't learned how to Apparate quite yet!

Really, Josh, the girls and I made a quick trip to the store tonight to stock up on a few essentials. While we were in the cereal aisle we spotted a 25 pack of tattoos for $1.00. What a bargain. As we inspected the bag I found the ultimate tattoo for tonight. It was a long wrap around tattoo that had curly lines and a skull in the middle. It was the perfect Death Eater mark. I couldn't resist and with a few snips of the scissors and water we all got marked just in time for the book release.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

You are so much fun - what a great photo memory of an awesome mom!