Saturday, July 28, 2007

About last night

Just when the fan on the computer went silent and the screen went black I started to hear little Brynn upstairs crying in her crib. Things like this always seem to happen right when I decide to finally go to bed. She was not going to settle down, so I picked her up and brought her into my room. There I found Josh asleep on the bed while Trey and Matt were asleep on the trundle mattress. Star Wars Action figures were on the floor and in the tent. I woke Josh first and with Brynn in my arms, tucked him in bed. Next was Matt and he moved quickly. Trey was last and with little difficulty I got him into the top bunk.

I returned to my room with Brynn when moments later Matt returned. He had blank expression and moved slowly into the bathroom. I had enough sense to follow. He lifted the lid to the toilet still glassy eyed. He was standing there in perfect position, but forgot one crucial step. After just a second I told him he had to pull down his pants! Too late. I took of his wet clothes and put them and the wet rug in the laundry room. Matt got a quick wash down and we got him back to his room. I tossed him some new underwear and he pulled them on his head like a shirt. Was this kid drugged? Soon he was clean, dry and dressed and little Brynn was still in my arms. An hour later Kaitlyn decided to join in the fun, so Brynn went back into her crib while Kaitlyn stayed with me. What a restful night of sleep!

This wasn't our first run in with sleep walking peeing kids. Around Christmas I saw a shadow enter the girls room late one night. I wasn't sure which boy was in there or what they were doing. I rushed in to find Josh half asleep peeing on the girls rocking chair. Thank heavens it is wood. When the girls were brand new Matt managed to walk across his room and down the hall with his pajama bottoms by his ankles leaving a trail while he went. When we first moved to Lexington Trey walked into the bathroom, opened the cupboard under the sink and let loose. We had to throw away most of the items that got soaked after that one. I even found a wastebasket full of pee and never discovered the culprit.

They even struggle when they are awake. Over the years they've peed on walls, doors, rugs, wood floors, carpet, in the tub, in the shower, in the backyard, on each other, a few times in their beds and if we're lucky even inside the toilet bowl. What is it with boys? Maybe I'll have better luck with my girls.

This probably just proves that everyone in this house is in desperate need of some serious shut eye!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

okay , that is too funny. Neither of my boys have ever even needed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. At least not that I know about, maybe I should check under the counter.