Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tooth Fairy Time!

Last night we got an exciting visit from the Tooth Fairy. Matt lost his second tooth. It was very wiggly for a week and finally was loose enough and probably bothersome enough that Matt allowed me to tie a knot around it with dental floss and one quick tug later it fell right out.

Matt was so excited to get out the special pillow my Grandma Nance made for us. It's just like the one she made for my family and I used as a child. We always call her when a tooth is lost and let her know that the pillow will be slept with that night. It's fun to have her be a part of this exciting event.

The Tooth Fairy left Matt one dollar, though we did have to search for it when he woke up because the bill had fallen behind the headboard. There was a moment of panic on Matt's part, but soon the frown was replaced with a big smile when he found the cash. Matt is already planning a trip to the dollar store to spend his hard earned money.

Matt already has a permanent tooth growing in where he lost his first tooth back in May. So even though there are two teeth missing on the bottom, there isn't a very big space. Gap or no gap, we think he's a cutie. Way to go Matt!

Now Josh is counting down the days until he gets a wiggly tooth and his first visit from the Tooth Fairy!


Marcie said...

Hey, where was Grandma Nance when I needed her a few weeks ago?

Cheryl said...


I saw your cute tooth pillow! I can't believe you threw it all together in a matter of minutes. And the cute little book. You are amazing! I am glad my kids didn't see the post they are still happy about getting a dollar!


Marcie said...

If I'm being honest most of the stuff I do for my kids is for my enjoyment more than theirs, but I wouldn't have minded a ready to go tooth pillow- that's for sure.