Monday, July 9, 2007

Ever had one of those days?

I usually consider myself a pretty coordinated person. In the day I could run a fast mile, do a decent cart wheel and walk, talk and chew gum. Yes, in years past I have dropped a watermelon at Wal-mart, started my oven on fire with a possessed peach cobbler and tripped over a rug at the boys preschool taking out another poor dad in the process, but I had been doing well in recent months.

But as of late, things have not been looking as good and I might have started a downward spiraling trend. In a 12 hour period I managed to dump 1/2 a pot of pasta down the front of my shirt spilling it onto the floor and under the stove when the baggie I was pouring it in just didn't stay open. I dropped the salt shaker from the shelf and its contents went over the counter and floor. I took a package of hot dogs Brynn was chewing on and tossed it onto the kitchen table knocking a 32 oz red Icee over which splattered all over the plant, table and floor. And I absentmindedly dropped a complete 100% saturated wet diaper over the banister and it burst over the family room floor. It was a joy to vacuum the little plastic type gel up and then clean the carpet.

So here's hoping that jotting all this down will cure me of my ills so that when I cook dinner tonight I can do it without lighting the dishrag on fire or slicing my finger clean off!


Barney Family said...

I too can relate. What has happened to us?? We are turning into out Mom's. We are not 20 anymore. It is a scary thought that I am turning 30 and I am seeing the signs of 50. I hope all else is well!


Marcie said...

I blame all clumsiness on pure exaustion. Whether we think we are tired or not, our bodies eventually give out.

Sally said...

I am so sorry about you day but I just have to say... I am loving your blog! I find it so entertaining- not just this particular post but all of them. I am always amazed what you do with five kids.

Under the circumstances I might consider ordering a pizza for dinner :)