Saturday, July 28, 2007

Goodbye little Betta

While cleaning up dinner tonight I noticed our little Betta fish had passed on. We had her for nearly a year and over the past few months had gotten a very, very large belly, but seemed fine in spite of it. I thought she might lay eggs at some point, but there must have been more serious issues that lead to her death.

She was the first female Betta we have had. We have had two other male Betta's over the past seven years. She never really got a proper name, just Fish. I think I was the only person that noticed her each day, the only one to clean her bowl and the only one to feed her, but that was probably a good thing! I liked seeing her each morning and loved how she stalked and then gobbled up her food. She was even a bottom grazer, something our males never did.

I don't think I'll need to do any bereavement counseling for the boys. When I told Matt the fish had died he ran upstairs to tell Trey and Josh. He said, "Hey guys, the fish is dead." Josh replied, "What fish?" I don't think any tears will be shed.

We will have to get a new one during our next trip to Wal-mart. It is the only pet I can commit too and it's nice to have something for the boys to talk about when they ask about pets at school.
Hope our little friend is in a better place, swimming happily along.


Marcie said...

We too, will only have Beta fish as pets. Ours, Bluey, has lived for over a year now. I credit his long life to being fed only every other day......or so. It's made him tough.

Laura F said...

Cheryl, we had to flush 11 fish when we moved from saint louis, and I actually cried, as pathetic as that can be. But I understand that sometimes it's just nice to have something to stare at in those blank moments of conscious in your day, between doing the dishes and picking the clothes up off the floor. To all little fish who fill in those blanks! :-)