Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Need a lift?

Anytime the girls are outside they head into the garage to climb on Trey's old tricycle. They haven't quite figured out how to work it yet, but when I have substituted in nursery this past month they found a little fire engine you can sit on and push along so they are starting to figure out the concept. Kaitlyn likes to ride and usually Brynn will push.

Today when I took the girls out of the van, Kaitlyn was bound and determined to get on the tricycle. I didn't want to chase two little girls on the driveway and wait for a wreck to happen, so I picked up Brynn and Kaitlyn and brought the bike inside. Kaitlyn was having a great time until Brynn decided she wanted a turn. Kaitlyn was sitting on the seat when Brynn came and sat backwards on the seat so she was practically sitting on Kaitlyn's lap facing her. Brynn thought it was a happy little set up, but Kaitlyn would have no more and got off the bike.

Then Josh came along and started to ride it around the living room. Brynn thought this looked like fun so instead of pushing him off, she jumped on the back for a ride. It was too cute of a scene to pass up a photo. Kaitlyn wasn't crazy enough to take a spin on the back storage basket. She waited until they were done and had fun pushing it along until it tipped over. It would seem like it would be a wise idea to invest in another tricycle so both can enjoy the fun and we don't have any broken or injured limbs from riding on the back of the bike!

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