Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Little Indians

I have always had friendly relationship with the sun. When I was young my older brother would always get sun burned while I turned a nice golden brown. My Mom would say the sun "kissed me". Greg didn't think it was fair nor do I think he liked the idea of getting burn vs. being kissed.
Looking back on it now I probably liked it a little too much. Between the little Geo Tracker I drove with the top down through high school and my freshman year spent in Hawaii, I may regret my sun worship in a few years when the lines start to appear and I have to make regular trips to the dermatologist. Oh the ignorance of youth!

As I had children of my own I wondered if they would get my skin. When they were little I kept them out of the sun and lathered in sunscreen. Well the jury's out and I think it's official the boys may have a bit of Indian in them. Before this summer Trey usually had a pale, pasty, ghostly white complexion that screamed "I'm anemic." It's hard to believe this the same kid with his brown skin and blond hair. He looks like a little beach bum. We can thank daily trips to the pool (Mon.- Fri. 11-12) and months of baseball practices and games.

During these activities the girls are always tucked away in their stroller under the canopies, but even with all the sunscreen and shade they both have funny little farmer tans. The cutest part is when Kaitlyn straightens out her arm the crease is a bright white. It makes me smile each time I see it.

Happy summer and sun to all!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

You are blessed that your kids inherited such great skin. Unfortunately we are a white family that sunburns without constant sunscreen.