Thursday, July 26, 2007

Exciting Things

Here's a small list of things I am so excited about at the moment. This list may solidfy that either I get a thrill about really silly things or that I am a complete moron, but I'll post it anyway.

Here is a photo of the first tomato I have ever grown! I picked it last night and Rich and I split it. It was quite yummy. I only planted three small Roma tomato plants and lucky for me the Kentucky ground took over and I have many, many little green tomatos on the vines.

We have a second batch of baby robins this year in the nest above the front door. I realized last night that there are THREE babies. This round I had been trying to get not as attached (yes, in the past I have often prayed for the baby animals I know are living in the yard), but with three little ones instead of two, my heart starts to pound when I think of them have problems leaving the nest. I'll be relived and happy when they fly away.

For all you Harry Potter Fans, there will be a special Dateline progam on Sunday July 29th 7 PM/6 C on NBC entitled Harry Potter the Final Chapter. J. K. Rowling will be discussing the last book. She also was on the Today Show this morning at 7:30 AM (you can read about it online if you missed it) and the second half the interview will be tomorrow morning on the Today Show probably around 7:30 AM again. Can't wait. She gave some seriously good dish!

I just started reading Twilight today. It's fun to get into some new material. Seems like a good read so far! Thanks Traci for lending me your copy.

For good or bad, you are now updated on the insights of Cheryl.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I am so proud of you and your tomato. Next year I am determined to learn to square ft garden.

You will loooove Twilight!

I still think about the baby rabbits we had in our yard in Kentucky- I wish my boys could have been the age they are now to enjoy them.