Friday, February 29, 2008

Tagged by Ashlee

How long have you been together? We met 12 years ago on May 10 and will have been married 11 years at the end of April.

How long did you date? Dated for 4 months and engaged for 9 long months. Would have rather switched that around and been engaged for 4, but with the NCAA tourney in March and finals for me in April, a wedding would only work on April 26. It was a great when we finally got married and lived in the same state!

How old is he? 35

Who eats more? Rich. I am a grazer. I eat standing up, rarely use a plate often eat with my hands. It just tastes better that way!

Who said I love you first? Rich did. I told him I loved him too after he dared say it first.

Who is taller? Rich, he's 6'6". I love that he is tall enough so I can wear towering heels and not over power him. In high school I was asked to prom by my best friend’s younger brother. It was so fun to know him well enough that I had 2 pairs of shoes by the door when he came to pick me up. I tried them both on to see which I could get away with. I loved that I could wear the higher heel. I LOVE high heel shoes.

Who can sing better? Probably me, but I just sing more often. I hum and sing all day long. And so does Brynn. It makes me laugh every time I hear her humming around the house.

Who is smarter? Rich is a better writer, far surpasses me at math and physics, has gone through medical school, passed many board exams and graduated from Stanford with a great GPA while playing basketball. I do better with creative projects, love to read (thought I only partially read my text books) and gradated from BYU with an A- average, but I'd give it to Rich since he is the one that could save a life. I'd be stuck dialing 911.

Who does the dishes? I do them more often because I am home, but Rich is great and will pitch in, wash, load and even start the dish washer. Then he'll often wipe down the table or scrub the floor. I'll tell you, I've got a keeper!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I always have.

Who mows the lawn? I LOVE to mow the lawn. I think it's therapeutic, relaxing and who doesn't love a just mowed/edged/weed free lawn and yard. I picked out the mower, got it home from Home Depot and think it was one of my best purchases. Now I just wish the self propelled part worked better (our massive back hill in Louisville killed it after 6 years) and can't wait to get a new, better, wider one when Rich gets done.

Who pays the bills? I do. Always have, always will. I am better at the little details of life, while Rich is out working on the big picture. Though I have to add that when you pay the bills it's much like the oft heard Spiderman quote, “With great power comes great responsibility." I do all the spending so there better had be money in the bank at the end of the month. No excuses!

Who cooks dinner? I do, though it's often a quick meal throw together at 5 PM. Rich is great at manning the grill.

Who is more stubborn? Me, though both of us always will say I'm sorry at the end of a disagreement.

Who kissed who first? Rich kisses me in front of my parent’s home on a warm July night while we leaned against his car.

Who asked who out first? It was a blind date- the first one of my life I should add. Rich's dad and my dad's little brother figured out we should go out while they were talking during a surgery. Rich's dad got my phone number from my dad at the hospital. It was meant to be!

Who proposed? Rich did in a fabulous way and even got down on one knee. Perfect.

Who is more sensitive? Me. I like to say I'm not the emotional, but I'm a girl and need more reassurance.

Who has more siblings? Rich does by 1. He has 4 sisters and 2 brothers while I have 5 brothers.

Who wears the pants? I'd say we each have a great pair that complements each other quite nicely. But the truth is Rich always lets me have my way. What a guy!


Vicki said...

That was so fun to read. Your blind date story is darling. I can't believe your date was set up during someone's surgery. What type of surgery? It makes me wonder what was discussed during my past surgeries.

Your engagement was so long (for mormons). Were you living in the same town the entire time? That would be hard!!!

Way to have an A- average from BYU. That is amazing. Mine was not so good.

I remember coming to your house to bring you dinner after you had the twin girls--I think just a week later--and you were out mowing the lawn. You crack me up.

Thanks for the cute write. I love to read your postings. Keep them coming.

Cheryl said...


I am guessing the surgey was on someone's hip or knee- two very romantic body parts.

And sadly no we didn't live in the same town. We were in the same state for only 3 months of dating and none of the months we were engaged. Rich was only in Utah for six days (three different trips) while we were engaged. He even flew home and only stayed 24 hours. That is true love! But being apart was brutally painful. Luckily I set my classes up so I could fly out to Cali on Thursday night and get home Monday morning. Stanford people were shocked when they realized I lived in Utah. Rich was in Palo Alto and I was in Salem (I lived in Provo or 6 weeks, but after I got engaged bagged the idea and moved home). It really stunk and would NOT recommend it to anyone.

Thanks for your cute comments. It make me so happy to keep up with each other. I had missed you!

Barney Family said...

It looks like you got the same tag! I almost tagged you and then thought you had been just tagged. It is fun to read more about you two.

How many more years do you have in Kentucky?


Cheryl said...


Just two more years when he hit July 1st. Rich will then do a year fellowship somewhere else, so we'll moved to a new place for that year. I would love to stay on the east coast and if possible be by the ocean (North or South Carolina would be awesome- I should talk to Aly) but we'll just wait and see. A lot has to happen before then. It will be VERY hard to leave this great state of KY, but I'll be ready for a new adventure. So for now I'll just dream....


Laura F said...

Cheryl, I totally agree the prospect of being somewhere for just one year sounds really exciting! You could go anywhere, do anything and see anything, especially when you know you'll only be there for a year. I've heard nothing but good things about Charlotte and Boston... or Europe! :-) Maybe somewhere they're not quite so weird about snow days...

Ashlee said...

I think every tall girl struggled with dances in high school. I went to a dance with a guy who was 5inches shorter than me. Lets just say slow dances were a little awkward.

Cute post!

Shawni said...

Hey Cheryl, thanks for the invite to the blog. I love the "tagged" stuff and also the "I've never"... it made me think about what I've never done in my life...lots!

The pinewood derby car also made me realize we better get going on Max's! How fun to have twin girls!