Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pinewood Derby 2008!

Hats off to Rich for creating his first Pinewood derby car for Trey! When we first got the block of wood, I said this was a dad/son deal and I didn't lay a finger on the car. As the days ticked on, I started thinking we should do things a specific way. I doubted Rich's ability and wasn't the most supportive in his techniques and I wanted to say I'm sorry. He did a great job and we were all impressed by how well the car performed.

The only help I gave was assisting in cutting it out at pack night (stabilized the saw- big job!), sanded it a bit, did some minor paint touch ups and took Trey to Hobby Lobby to pick out decals. The rest was all Rich and Trey. Good job guys! Trey with "The Scorpion!" There were three wards that participated. The entire gym was decorated and dinner was served. It was very nice. They had a sound system, an electronic race track, and a video camera hooked up to a large projection screen. It was quite elaborate. The boy scouts got prime seating for viewing the races.Trey couldn't wait for his turn. Each car raced 3 times, once on each lane. Trey's car was awesome. It took first place in his first race and 2nd place in his next two races. Trey was a bit disappointed his didn't win all his races, but was happy to find out that he took 6th place overall out of 25. His car took third place in our ward which earned him a trophy and will move on to the district races later on. That equaled one happy boy! Good job Rich and Trey!


lacey said...

Don't play with the car too much before district races! I'm sure it is "built to last", but still, you never know. (Geesh, I'm an optimist huh?)
What a fun Derby Night! I can see myself down the road in the midst of this post myself.

Laura F said...

Wow, way to go, Trey! That was a much fancier pine wood derby night than the ones I remember attending with my brothers way back when. I knew they had electronic tracks now, but nice projector! And that is a VERY fancy trophy... perfect for keeping the car on display instead of allowing it to float around in the bottom of a closet somewhere. How fun! I totally laughed, Cheryl, when you said you touched up the paint. I probably would too, but after everyone had gone to sleep that night. ;-)

Vicki said...

And so it begins. . .the pinewood derbys. I didn't really like the "competition" side of the derbys at first, but I think it's good for the boys to learn sportsmanship and how to lose--there cab only be one winner.

Trey's car looks awesome. Way to go Rich! Rusty struggles every year--especailly competing with Zane. But this year was easier/ better than last year. Once Sam has his third pinwood, we may have it down.

p.s. Nice Track and scoring system. We have a wood track and did our record keeping by hand.

Marcie said...

I worry about pinewood derbys in our future. This is sooo not Jim's arena. We may have to call my dad in for some back up.

So glad yours was a sucess! That trophy is great!