Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A day in my REAL life....

Wake up at 6:45 AM after your husband has quietly showered and left the house a half an hour earlier. Feel bad you didn't get up to say good bye.

Pull, prod and physically move three groggy little boys to the shower.

Throw 2 sack lunches together for the class field trip. Included in the bag are Gushers, M & M Kudos, Rice Krispy Treats and Capri Sun. I think their daily allotment of sugar will now be tripled by noon.

Threaten to charge Trey and Josh one dollar each if they don't finish their full bowls of cereal.

Make it to school with second to spare avoiding the dreaded tardy, but just barely.

Realize Trey doesn't have any lunch money on his account. Hope they let him charge it today.

Come back to a quiet house and crawl back in bed for a few extra minutes of rest. Feel just a little bit guilty, but not enough to get up quite yet.

Still make the boy’s bed after seeing a wet spot from drool and old toothpaste on the sheets. Maybe I'll wash them tomorrow.

Kill two birds with one stone by bathing the girls in the tub and feeding them hot dogs, string cheese and diet Crush at 9 AM.

Later discover they were still hungry. Looks like the banana bread hit the spot.

Spent ten mintues wrestling little girls just to put their clothes on. Brynn has perfected her crocodile death spin making it very hard to get anything to stay on. I never unbutton or unzip their pants. I simply wiggle and shake them up until they fit into place. Maybe that is why the dislike getting dressed so much.

Discover Brynn has eaten 1/2 tube of Soft lips and Kaitlyn is wrapped up in the clean laundry eating Cheetos. Orange isn't good looking on just laundered whites.

While I search for my ever disappearing make up, hear Brynn lift the lid to the toilet in my bathroom. After only asking her to put the lid down, finally go in and find her cleaning the bowl with the brush from the boy’s bathroom, which was located next to the plunger. Nice. Love all the toilet water across two rooms.

As I change Kaitlyn's diaper a little bit of "stuff" falls to the floor while wiping. After looking on the ground for a full minute for the speck of brown I can not see it, so I simply rub the floor with a clean wipe. Almost good as new.Get a call from the school office asking me if Matt has pink eye, which he does not. I seriously thought they might wonder what was wrong with his neck. After a spin move late Saturday night Matt's been stuck with his head tilted sideways. It's a pretty sad look.

Try to address envelopes and gather packages together. Should have taken 30 minutes. Still working on it two hours later. Thanks little helpers.

Find Kaitlyn eating the crumbs out of a bag of tortilla chips I had thrown in the garbage.

Find the front of the old computer removed and 10 discs and a Barbie shoved inside.

Tried both VCR's and found in one- 4 PS2 Memory Card and 2 army men. The other had 4 Leap Frog games and a hair clip.While I am wrapping a gift discover why the girls were being so quiet in the living room. It seems that they were having a little tea party with Capri Suns and the fruit snacks from the church bag.

Get to the bank. Kaitlyn is not pleased when they were out of suckers. The next drive thru she sees she shouts FOOD! What healthy habits I am teaching them.

While running errands, I get stuck in a line. Heart is racing as I realize there is no way I'm going to be on time for pick up.

Have to sign my boys AND the neighbor kids out from the office and then explain it to their mom.

Realize Jerry Jr. is living in the garage. Know I have to be a cold, heartless mouse killer again. Still haven't set out new traps.

Spend too much time reading blogs and not doing homework.

A young girl came around door to door selling Girl Scout cookies and I told her no thanks. After a few mintues I felt totally mean and chased her down telling her I would buy her stuff. Felt even worse when the Thin Mints were only $3.50 a box. I'm a scrooge!

Finally start dinner at 6:45 PM. Soup again for Rich, the girls and me. Mac N' Cheese for Trey, bean and cheese burrito for Josh and chicken nuggets for Matt. Not loving making 4 different meals every night.

Vacuumed up 1/3 bag of Goldfish crackers and 10 crushed Oreos because I was too lazy to pick them up by hand.

While getting the kids in their PJ's watch Brynn and Kaitlyn stick Q-tips in their ears and noses.

Finally get the girls up to bed. After putting Kaitlyn in her crib I have to chase down a crying Brynn. She is not a bed time girl. I put her in her crib and as I turn to get a clean blanket from the closet I see a tiny body fling herself out of the bed head first toward the floor. By some miracle she is unhurt. I think her back and not her neck took the brunt of the fall.

When Rich comes up to check on us, he asks Brynn what happened. She put on a pouty face and simply pointed to her head and then to the floor. Rich then asked Kaitlyn and she too just pointed to the floor. I hope the little one learned her lesson. I'm not ready for a real bed just yet!

Thought it was safe to sneak away for a late night Wal-mart trip to pick up more Valentine cards at 9:15 PM. Once there discover they lock up the photos after 9 PM. Means another trip to Wal-mart in the morning.

Get home to find all 3 boys wide awake in the kitchen. Use their extra hands to get the groceries inside. After a late night snack of cookies and grapes the boys finally get in bed at 10:45 PM.

Whew! Another day down. Still didn't read the Book of Mormon even though I am going to do the Hinckley challenge. Didn't shower until 10:30 PM even after I worked out at from 3-4 PM. Still need to get the boys clothes laid out. Still need to put together the backpacks for tomorrow. Still need more patience and discipline with my kids. But very glad I have a new day ahead in the morning when I can try to do a bit better!

Two other notable things.

First: Last Wednesday night after a full night of homework and scouts and Rich at the hospital, I came home and tried to clean up the kitchen which looked like a bomb had exploded. Every early reader book seemed to have landed in Matt's bowl of cheese queso and they had dried together. As I wiped up the mess and pages I ran the garbage disposal. There must have been a bit of rock in the sink and suddenly the disposal stopped working. Then I noticed the smell of a burning engine. As I frantically called my mom to see how it could be fixed, Brynn stripped down wanting to get in the sink and play in the water. She soon was naked, but tub time was the last thing on my mind. After a few minutes of tears, screams and clinging to my leg she realized I wasn't going to lift her up. She simply let go and left the room, only to return with her cold, wet, soggy diaper giving it to me to put back on. Talk about a guilt trip! I set aside the broken disposal until morning and let the girl’s splish and splash for a few minutes before bed. Sometimes it takes a bit of encouragement from a little person for me to see the big picture.


The other day Rich and I headed up to bed with our late night girl Brynn only to discover an extra body in the bed. Yup, it's Trey. Looks like he was secretly watching TV while we were down cleaning up the kitchen. What a sneaky little fella! We have got to get a handle on bed time!

Hope you've got it figured all out because I certainly Do Not! Better luck tomorrow!


Ashlee said...

I don't know how you stay so positive and on top of things. You must have the energy of ten women. Really though I just have Mac and I find it hard to keep my house clean and stocked with the necessities. You amaze me. When I have this second baby I'll be calling you for pointers.

Cheryl said...


You are too funny. First, you will do amazing with your second baby. I always say you just get used to what you have!

And after reading my post I think every one can see that I certainly do not stay on top of things. I seem to be clinging on to the side, slipping further down with each moment!


Jen said...

Cheryl- I am honestly laughing so hard that I am crying. I love you!! I really truly do! The mouse comment, the crush, the banana bread, Matt's neck all of it, hilarious! Thanks for the laugh and making me feel better about my life. Not because yours is worse than mine by any means, but because you are honest and that is what most of my days are like as well. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with chaos sometimes. I should take pics and show you. thanks for the much needed laugh!

Amanda said...

Cher, I loved this post. It reminds me of the one you posted not too long ago about not just writing about the positive things in our lives. I've been thinking about that a lot. I like that you called this a day in your REAL life, because that really is a typical day for all of us, and we need to hear that we're not the only ones going through what we go through.

Clark and I have talked a lot about this subject and how we keep everything we write about real. We need to write the good and the bad, but we don't want to have the bad just be negative comments about our lives. I think that's one good thing about a blog. It can be a way to get ouy the negative things that happen to us, but also help us try to be positive about those things. Did that make sense? I thought you did a great job at showing how your life truly is without sounding negative or needing sympathy.

My point is: Thank you for writing the REAL stories! I love you!

Amanda said...

I forgot to write the things I loved about your post. I love that you blog instead of doing homework (just like me). Love that you shower at 10:30pm (sometimes I don't even make it into the shower for the day). Love that you fed your kids breakfast in the tub (I haven't tried that one yet). Loved the poop on the carpet (it's better than on you). Love you!

Marcie said...

Love it. So many of these things are regulars in my house..vacumming up entire boxes of crushed somethings, cheeto dust everywhere..surprise messes in every room. Except yours is doubled!

I think this will be such a good record for future days of a real day in the life of "mom with five small children".

traci said...

Thank you so much for making me smile and of course, uncontrolably laugh. I was crying too, so it was all good. A day in the life a great way to see yourself in print and realize that really a lot does go on even though sometimes it feels like we haven't accomplished much in a day. I love you Cheryl.

Kristi said...

Holy cow Cheryl. You could write a book. I laughed out loud through that whole post. You are my hero. This post will be precious to you and your children in about 15 years. You should show it to them then so they buy you great Mother's Day/Christmas/Birthday presents.

Oh, and by the way, I NEVER get up for Todd when he leaves at 6 am. I have even stopped feeling guilty.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I love it! I think it's so cool that you did that. Think of how much you'll love looking back at that post someday when your kids are grown. Do you ever watch John & Kate +8?

Cheryl said...


I've never heard of it. I'll have to look it up and check it out. I also still need to watch last nights Project Runway I taped. I am loving this season! I think Christian is hilarious and I think Ramy will be in the top three for sure!


Heather Woolley said...

Cheryl-you accomplish more in one day that I think I get done in a week! You are amazing and you write so well. I felt like I was with you through the whole day just the way you told the story. After a long day like that, I'm even more impressed that you sat down to write about all of it! Love you!

Vicki said...

Cheryl, You made me laugh so hard. So many things you described happen in my house too. Just add a little marker on the dishwasher and you've got a day at the O'Brien home. The only difference is you're so positive. Thanks for being such a great example to me.
By the way, why are kids so interested in the church bag on the week days, but when we are at church they don't like anything you've brought?
Like Kristi, I don't get up with Rusty either. And like Melissa, I love Jon and Kate Plus 8.
Thanks for the great post!

Holly said...

It is so nice to know that other people have crazy lives just like me.
I feel blessed that I do not have twin two year olds (I think I would have gone insane), but I have Jericho, my perpetual 2 year old who as we speak is probably flooding the kitchen, ( Ihear water), so I have to run! You are AMAZING!

Tiffany said...

Thanks for a great read, great laugh, and a great dose of reassurance that my house isn't the only house with disasters every day! I know I've said this before, but you are so positive -- I keep hoping that one day it will rub off on me!

Laura F said...

You had a full and busy day!!! I am amazed you get as much done as you do, and love the shortcuts for everything else!