Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day #3

Today we had our third SNOW DAY of the year here in Lexington. The snow started falling Monday evening. The flakes were big and fluffy and I felt like I should put on some Christmas music to celebrate. It was so pretty watching it fall. After Family Home Evening I was hopeful school would still be a go since we are already making up our first snow day from January this Friday. Then it started to rain. Not normal wet rain that would help melt the snow, but FREEZING RAIN. Not good. By 11 PM the near two inches of snow had was covered in at least 1/4 an inch of ice. They called off school before we went to bed. It was not going to be pretty to drive in on Tuesday.
Rich and I got up early and let the kids sleep in. I told Rich he should take the van since it would be safer and I certainly wasn't going to haul the kids anywhere in the weather. The other reason for not driving his car was the fact it was frozen shut! Unfortunately he had to get out his parking pass. He spent a good five minutes scraping off his car with a huge KNIFE (I was laughing while taking his picture). He finally broke through and got his pass out.We did get a lucky break when it started raining around 7:45 AM. The warmer rain started to melt the snow/ice. Thing were looking better by 11 AM so I headed out to shovel the driveway. We have a northern exposure and if I don't get the snow up when I can, it'll be a frozen mess for weeks! The rain had melted the hard sheet of ice allowing me to shovel big chunks. Josh pitched in and helped while the girls played inside Rich's car. The craziest part was that it was warm outside. I only had on capri workout pants and a hoodie. That's Kentucky weather for you. Check out the ice on our holly bush. Ice storms are very interesting.

Let's hope the worst of the season has already passed!


Jen said...

Cheryl- I can't believe that ice! Now there is a legit snow day! I am laughing at Rich scraping his car trying to get in. A few weeks ago at walmart my van door was frozen shut. It took messing around for a while to finally get it open as Owen and Hallie are freezing in the cart. It was so embarrassing. I felt like all eyes were on me trying to open my stupid van. Have fun making up those snow days! Also, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I too, miss cutting your hair in the wind. What were we thinking?!! I can't believe it was even strait. Maybe it wasn't. Anyway, fun times.

Holly said...

You are a great photographer. I love the frozen holly tree, and the first picture of your street in the wee hours of the morning.