Monday, February 4, 2008

The Tale of Matt and the Missing Tooth

Once upon a time there lived a handsome little fellow named Matt. Now this young boy had a problem. He had a case of a very wiggly tooth. One day he told his mother to simply yank it out with dental floss. She tied the knot tight and with one swift tug.... Ouch! But nothing happened, except make poor Matt cry that it was quite painful and scary and he wasn't even going to get a visit from the Tooth fairy. A few nights later he asked his mother again to pull out the tooth. With MUCH hesitation she tried her best, but still the tooth held fast.Finally one day after a massive wrestling attack with his big brother Trey and a swift whack to the mouth, the tooth hung on by one small bit. When his mother saw Matt's current state, she happily said that it was time to celebrate for the Tooth fairy was sure to come that evening.

But Matt wanted nothing to do with the removal of his very wiggly tooth. Nope, not one bit. And so it stayed for a day, and then another, all the while his mother kept pestering Matt that if we wasn't careful, he'd swallow that tooth in the near future.

And sure enough that is exactly what happened. Midnight Matt fell asleep and in the morning- Poof- no tooth. Not on the pillow, not in the bed, not on the floor. It seems the little tooth had had more exciting plans that to just fall on the ground.

This was not a problem for Matt. He simply had his mother write the Tooth fairy a note telling her that he thought it was in his belly. He also kindly asked if she would draw a picture of herself on the extra bit of paper he left on the bed.
In the morning Matt had the pleasant surprise of not only finding a dollar bill by his pillow, but a hand drawn sketch of the lovely fairy with her signature.
Matt was overwhelmed by her kind gesture, so the very next night he made a picture of himself to thank her and signed it with 7 kisses and 6 hugs. His mother was very impressed with Matt's fancy writing and thoughtful ways.
And off to bed he went with the note placed right where the Tooth fairy could find it. As he drifted off to sleep he made plans of writing such thank you notes to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, because they have such busy jobs and children often forget to say how pleased they were with their treats.

Moral of this story: Do not fall asleep with a very wiggly tooth. And thank you notes are appropriate for all things, all people and even fairies.

The End.


Vicki said...

I Love your story!!!! What a darling way to document. We have had many fun/interesting tooth fairy stories I wish I had documented. Meg asks to keep all of her teeth and STILL get money. So far our tooth fairy has complied. You are such a fun mom and a great example to me. Have a good day.

Ashlee said...

So cute!!! He really is funniest little boy. I can't wait to see what Matt ends up doing later in life.

Kristi said...

So cute. I LOVE Matt's fancy writing. I remember putting little circles on my letters when I was little. So cute. Hey I know a way to get the tooth back, but it will be a little messy.... :)

Amanda said...

Thanks for the laugh. It's a picture of what I have to look forward to. I can't wait!