Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tagged- The ABC's of Me

Tagged by Heather and Traci:

A- Attached or single: Attached. Married for almost 11 years.
B- Best Friend: Rich and my mom. I love all my girlfriends. They add to so much joy to my life.
C-Cake or Pie: Love my Grandma Nance's banana cream pie, pumpkin pie and Derby Pie, but not fan of the crust. Do not like baked fruit pies.
D- Day of Choice: Friday- the beginning of the weekend and no homework for a few days.
E- Essential Item(s): Internet, cell phone, Softlips, Johnson & Johnson baby lotion
F- Favorite Color: Normally would say blue, loving pink right now. Almost always wear black, white or something very netural. My closet is quite boring, and I like it that way.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither. I would choose Swedish fish or Jelly Belly candies.
H- Hometown: Salem, Utah
I- Indulgence(s): A hot shower once a day! Love pedicures and someday would love to get a long massage.
J- January or July: July. I love the 4th of July, BBQ's, watermelon, corn on the cob, playing croquet in the backyard, fireworks, friends and family.
K-Kids: Five. Trey 8, Josh and Matt will be 7 in June, Brynn and Katilyn 2 next month. Totally want one more baby, but not quite yet....
L-Life is incomplete without: Rich, my kids and phone calls from family
M- Marriage Date: April 26, 1997
Number of Siblings: 5 brothers: one older (11 months, 2 weeks) and four younger
O- Oranges or Apples: Both. A good orange is better than candy and a crisp apple dipped in carmel- heaven!
P- Phobias or Fears: I am afraid of my kids getting abducted.
Q- Quote(s): "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
R- Reason To Smile: My kids playing together, Rich coming home from work, a great sale online with free shipping!
S- Season: Fall- the start of the holidays, changing leaves, soup, pumpkin bread and the kids back in school.
T- Tag Six: Jen G., Vicki, Kristi, Marcie, Kara and Laura
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I would have sold my left arm for a pair of Guess jeans in 6th and 7th grade. I know now if I had told my mom, she would have bought me a pair, but I was just to scared to ask. Got a wardrobe of ESPRIT and Guess in 8th grade, was in heaven!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I need meat in my life, esp. turkey and chicken. A bit of protien just makes me feel physically better.
W- Worst Habit: Staying up late, interruping, not spending enough one on one time with my kids.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I LOVE ultrasounds because they make me think of when I was pregnant and getting little peeks at my babies. Since Rich has chosen the field of radiology, I am grateful for both, plus MRI's, CT scans and all other inventions that provide Rich a job.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Cafe Rio beef salad with black beans, extra salsa and creamy dressing.
Z: Zodiac: Pisces. Don't believe in signs or horoscopes.


Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

oh. I remember how much I wanted guess jeans!! What a flashback. I had one pair and guarded them with my life. I am impressed that you want more kids. I think its funny you said ONE more - that's what julie said when she had her twins. You need a set of boy/girl twins. I wonder if that would set a record LOL! You are a great mom and would handle 6 like a champ I'm sure.

Jen said...

Cheryl, I guess we are all tagging each other.

I remember the Lucky pants and how cool it was to unzip the zipper and it said lucky. That was so cool. How retarded is all of that? I'm so glad life isn't about lucky pants!:)

I wish I had someone to go to MCD's with. That is so relaxing to me to take the kids and let them play and chat with girlfriends, however here none of my friends like that place. I miss our Burger king days!

Marcie said...

Great list. I'll have some repeats of yours.

Laura F said...

Fun list! I laughed, too, about the Guess jeans. But do you remember "Girbaud"? That baggy-legged jean with the flat front to make you look skinnier? Man... I'm really out of the loop these days on clothes, I guess, but I can't imagine what my kids will ask for when they discover brands. I'd bet it's not the "sturdy" things that are my favorites right now!

I also love that you voted in swedish fish over gummy bears or worms - I feel the same way!