Friday, February 1, 2008

Bits of Life

Here's a little peek at what we have been up to....The girls LOVE their dollhouse they got for Christmas. It couldn't fit on the sleigh (airplane) so they had a nice suprise here in Lexington when we got back from Utah. Kaitlyn loves the baby and I find it stashed random places all day long.They are also loving their new baby dolls. They are soft babies that have their own carrier. We also got a great package in the mail from my mom (Thank you!) that had two of my old Cabbage Patch dolls she cleaned up and all my old doll clothes. I finally had to hide the clothes in the closet because I just couldn't keep up with the all the changing! Thank heavens we have nearly two of everything. Sharing is something that comes and goes throughout the day!A few days ago I tried to do something with the girls hair. You would think at nearly two Kaitlyn would have grown bangs, but they are slowly coming in. I went with pig tails. I couldn't keep a straight face while looking at her. They didn't last long. She pulled them out seconds after I took this picture.Brynn's clip didn't last long either. Maybe someday they'll have cute hairstyles, but for now I can just remind myself of all the time I am saving not having to worry about it yet!Brynn thinks she can get dressed all by herself.She really does quite a good job. My favorite is when she hops out of the tub, slips on her shoes and disspears in to her room, only to return a minute later with her pants on backwards sans diaper. Funny girl!It looks like Brynn is a budding makeup artist. Kaitlyn was her willing subject. Glad no one lost an eye with the mascara wand. I just didn't love srubbing the shirt for twenty minutes trying to get the black out! The boys have been enjoy life too....Santa gave the boys Battlewheels. They are remote control warriors you crash into each other. They are really fun.The winner is the one who doesn't loose his head!Matt is our offical style icon. He kindly taught us all how to create this great look with the written out steps below.Steps to MAC HAR STIOS BI Matt (Steps To Make Hairstyles By: Matt) 1. Frt wet Hr (First wet hair) 2. I Com er ( Comb hair) 3. I hear Spa Har (Hairspray hair)
I went in to turn off the boys lamp and found Trey like this. He's a diehard comic book lover. I am so glad he loves to read!Trey earned his Bobcat award at pack night this past Wednesday. Rich was on call, so I stepped in and filled the role of turning him upside down to welcome him into the pack. Josh and Matt were dying of laughter seeing their mom do a cartwheel type spin to get Trey hanging the proper way. Too bad the camera was in my pocket.This is what kindly greets all who enter the boys room. Trey whipped it up the other day after he saw Calvin (Calvin and Hobbs) with a similar sign.

And I couldn't resist throwing this picture in. Wonder how the kid felt about getting picked up from school in that beast. I was laughing so hard watching it slowly make its way around the circle.

Good times!


Laura F said...

I love the little snippets of life you post. The girls look so cute in their new "dresses", and Santa brought us the same Battle robots! I have a hard time keeping them in batteries, but they're a lot of fun! Erick got two from Santa, so he'd have one to share with a friend (often Izzie). What a blessing to have brothers!

Vicki said...

Oh, my goodness! Matt's written out directions on his hair-do was the funniest thing ever. I laughed so hard! I also loved the book proped up while Trey was reading. I also had to hide all the barbie and baby doll clothes. Molly was making me crazy. I love to hear about your family. Thanks for sharing.

Shelly said...

I love your posts Cheryl! Your kids are so adorable and I was laughing at the pig tails. Hannah is still SO bald. I think it will be a long time before I am able to do anything with her hair too.

Amanda said...

It's fun to see the everyday little things that happen in your lives. I wish someone would pick me up in an RV and take me away. Sounds great to me.

Thanks for sharing.

Kristi said...

Yea for Cheryl doing your girl's hair! Don't give up. Show them who is boss and that they WILL wear bows. It is worth it, because then I get to make you a thousand of them too!