Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Love List

My List of Things I LOVE!

* Diving into a great book

* Running around a park with my kids

* Hawaii

* Disneyland and the Beach Cottages in San Diego

* The mountains in Utah County

* Mowing the lawn

* Watching the lightning during a thunderstorm

* Lying on your back outside watching a meteor shower

* Rafting on Salem Pond

* Glittery sparkle shoes on my girl’s feet and bows in their hair

* Going to the dentist and finding out you have NO cavities!

* McDonald's ice cream cones and Wendy's chili

* Chili's and Cafe Rio salads and homemade salsa

* The world after a snow fall

* Snow Days

* Going to lunch at school

* Attending a baseball game

* Bits of green daffodils and tulips popping up in the spring

* Bright sunshine on my face

* Rainbow and hummingbirds

* Roses and Gerber Daisies

* Pear and watermelon Jelly Bellies

* Taking pictures

* Stanford basketball

* March Madness (Love those brackets!)

* My van

* Wicked

* Fireworks (esp. Thunder Over Louisville)

* Watermelon and corn on the cob and a BBQ on a warm summer night.

* Swimming at the pool with my family until it's dark

* My watch and gold hoop earrings

* Listening to my children pray

* Finding something I misplaced or remembering something I had forgotten

* Getting letters from my brother Kurt on his mission and from the grandparents

* Taking my kids to the dollar store as a reward

* Talking to my family on the phone

* Going home to Utah and sleeping at our parents homes

* My new white blackberry cell phone with pink gel case- thanks Rich!

* The smell of laundry and new babies

* Having a clean house

* Getting done exercising

* Staying up late

* Sleeping in

* Taking a walk

* Going to the zoo and seeing baby animals

* Playing Christmas songs on the piano

* Cranking up the iPod in the car with the kids and singing along

* Shopping at the Gap, Pottery Barn, Ann Taylor, Gymboree and a great department store

* Going to lunch with my mom

* Keeping up with great friends

* Talking history with my dad

* Going to museums

* Seeing impressionist paintings (Renoir, Monet, Degas, Van Gogh, etc)

* Renting movies, eating popcorn and ordering Papa John's Pizza

* Celebrating Birthdays and holidays

* Creating traditions with our kids

* Watching Project Runway

* Traveling to new places

* Teaching the young women

* The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the scriptures (esp. the Book of Mormon)

* Matt's creativity with his outfits. -Just yesterday he wore a sword on a belt and swimming goggles into the mall. Rich promptly made him take off the goggles stating that he looked like Napoleon Dynamite. I think there are just not many times in life you can get away looking like this so I say- who cares!

* Trey's inventive ideas about getting games and his love for comic books

* Josh's love for all things sports

* Brynn's pretend talking on the phone and her fake laughs as she chats away with an imaginary person

* Kaitlyn's love for all the Josh's in our home (Trey, Matt, Brynn and Josh) and her adoration for her daddy

* Rich's helpfulness with the kids and house

* His love for me

* Being married to my best friend

* Our true partnership in all things


Marcie said...

It let me comment now, good.

Brynn needs to get Alice's number. We always wonder who she is chatting and laughing with on her princess phone.

jamie said...

great list!! I love a lot of those things that you put on your list. And amen to cafe rio salads. :) Yummy!

kara jayne said...

You and marcie are giving me a complex. Your lists are SO GOOD AND SO LONG! The other problem is that now I will feel like I'm copying some of them. Wicked has to be the best!

kara jayne said...

Oh, and project runway is the BOMB! It's the only GROWN UP program that we DVR!!

Sarah said...

I'm glad to hear you like your new blackberry; And the pink gel case sounds very chic! I'm sure Rich is happy to see you enjoying it.

So cute that Kaitlyn thinks everyone in your house is "Josh"!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

yeah.. I've hooked you on project runway... LOL!!
I love your list... ditto to alot of it!

Amanda said...

Man, after reading your list I realize how many more things I should have put on my list.

So is project runway about modeling? I've never seen it. What station does it come on? I guess that's one more show I'll have to start on once I get back.

Wicked, it really is the best.

There really isn't anything better than finding out you have no cavities. It's a rare thing with me.

Baseball games!! I always feel so American at a game. Nothing beats that atmosphere, as long as there's a good hot dog to go with it.

I think hummingbirds are truly fascinating.

I too love to hear my children pray. Especially when they are so sincere and heartfelt.

I'd forgotten how much you love impressionist paintings. Remember when we saw Monet (Water Lilies) in Honolulu? You should go to Amsterdam, there is a whole Van Gogh museum. It's pretty cool.

I loved, loved, loved your list. Thanks, once again, for reminding me of so many great things.

Cheryl said...


Project Runway is on Bravo (cable) and is a show about clothing designers. The host is Heidi Klum and the judges are Michael Kors and Nina Garcia fashion editor of Elle magazine. These people are amazing at what they can create.

And I'll have to put Amsterdam on my list of places to visit. You took the photo of me in front of the Water Lilies painting. I still have it in my photo album. Good times!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the info about project runway. I'm not sure if I get that channel at home, I can't remember. But I'll investigate.

Ok, I'd totally forgotten about that fun run. That was the first time in my life that I'd ever done a real run. I think I did it with Katie Elmborg whose step-dad was Doc Mendenhall. Is that who you're thinking of? I remember they had a drawing afterwards and I won a gallon of gatorade. I don't like gatorade, but I thought I was so cool. Every time I opened the fridge I thought, "that's my gatorade". I know, I'm a nerd. It's so funny you remember that. I really only remember the gatorade. I think my first memory of you would be teaching you the dance and cheer for cheer tryouts your freshman year. I thought you were so darling and I was secretly hoping you'd make it. I'm so glad you did. We have so many good memories. One of these days we'll have to start a blog of just the memories we have together. I wonder how long that would be? That could be a fun thing. Anyway, love you!

Laura F said...

Love your list! You are so thorough, and somehow yours and Amanda's lists I noticed are just so CUTE! Does the cuteness just come from such happy hearts? :-) I think it's fun you listed pear and watermelon jelly bellies, and that you listed "finishing" exercising. It's good to know it's hard for other people to start! Your comments about your kids are fun to read and I agree completely that kids should be able to wear whatever they can get away with, but only if it's completely outlandish and includes swords! Love that you got a blackberry... you'll have to let me know how much you like it!

Cheryl said...

Amanda- It totally was Katie. I just couldn't remember her name. It's funny that her step dad was in Rich's dad's group. Talk about a small world! I bet I remember you two because you were both older than me and pretty. That'll get you every time, esp. when you are 12.


Yes, I have a blackberry. No I do not have it hooked up to the Internet. It was an extra $20.00 a month and I am too cheap to add that to the plan. Sad, I know. Someday. I really am not away from home that much, so surfing the net in my computer room is just fine.

But with that said, Rich was really sweet to get it for me. It was a total splurge. My old phone was the T-mobile Go phone version that sells for $25.00, but I loved it and it lasted for years. I was on my second version (one got lost at my parents home and was on the verge of dying soon). I had those things since 2001. They were indestructible. Anyway, this new phone is cute, girly, has a camera and I feel very spoiled with it, even though I haven't utilized all the cool features. I did buy a media chip so I could use is as a MP3 player, but I haven't loaded any songs yet. I'll have to do that soon. Hope that gives you some insight.

And I have to say- you have a happy heart too my friend. We go WAY back as well. Good times!

Kristi said...

Can Todd be one of Kaitlyn's Josh's? After all, he is RIch's twin.... :)

Sue said...

This is a great list! I love to read these because I think you learn so much about people this way. I need to get back on TTA. I've been lazy lately.