Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Greatest Gift

I know it's Saturday night and not Tuesday, but this week we didn't have our regular Tuesday Tell All and I wanted to play catch up. I am happy to report that Marcie was off enjoying the sand and sun in Maui and Sally had her baby girl on Friday, February 1. Happy times for both of the creators of TTA.

Since there was no assigned topic this week, I decided to go back and write on the topic that was to be posted on Christmas Day. It is one I was eager to do, but never quite found the time.

The assignment was to write about your favorite gifts of the Christmas season. They could be ones you gave or received. I am all about buying and giving presents- this is how I often show my love for others, so I chose to write about the top 3 I gave this past year.

Gift #1. I was sitting at my piano playing Christmas songs a few days after Thanksgiving when started going through my mind about what I was going to give to our family this year. I always love to make handmade gifts because I think it shows more love for the person. But as I thought I came up completely blank. I had no idea what to do and knew I had only a few days to decide so I could start and finish before we headed home.

As I was playing I had this brilliant idea to run over to my neighbor Laurel's house and ask her for ideas. She had gone to Louisville to attend her sister's Super Saturday a few days before, so I hoped she had something amazing.

I hit the jackpot. She had made this darling frame out of paper and Mod Podge. It was perfect. I could give a new picture of the kids to the grandparents and it was something I could actually make with little possibility of destroying while assembling.

We got the frames at Michael's ($2.99- and I tried to get some with my 40% off coupon) and the paper was from Hobby Lobby. You can get the paper on sale for 4 sheets for $1.00. Once you get the glue, ribbon and little brads you have enough to complete many frames. I made 13 frames and I bet the total cost of supplies was under $45.00. That is a bargain! It was easy and didn't take long. The hardest part was deciding how to lay it out.

I am excited for use it for years to come. Here's a Valentine version I made last week. I was very pleased with how it turned out. You really could do every holiday. I have Halloween paper and I'm already dying to get started on it. You also could personalize one for a baby or birthday gift too.

Gift #2.

I first heard of Jim Brickman when I was in high school. There was a gorgeous piano song on the radio and I was hooked. I went out and got the CD and was an instant fan. I bought tickets for a Christopher Cross concert because Jim was the opening act. It was at Buzz Field in 1995. They set the stage up in the outfield and there he was up on his piano. He was even more magical in person.

As time passed he got more famous and he got his own tour. I think I was home from Hawaii for Christmas in 1995, or it could have been when I engaged and living at home in 1996. Anyway, I bought the tickets at an Albertson's in Orem and gave them to my parents for Christmas. He played up at Abravanel Hall and my parents had amazing seats. Boy I got lucky. I had no idea they were that close. They loved him and had a great time.

Fast forward years later to Christmas 2004. Jim had a Christmas tour and was coming to Louisville. Rich and I went to the concert and decided that if we could, this would be our favorite Christmas tradition we could do together. Jim is witty, funny and very, very talented.

This year he was coming to Kentucky while we were in Utah, and his Utah concert was going to be a Valentine's one. While it didn't work out for us, it was perfect timing for our parents. I bought tickets, this time it's at Kingsbury Hall and our parents are going to have a Valentine's date courtesy of us next week. Rich's parents are going on Thursday night and mine are going up on Friday evening. I hope they enjoy the show.

Gift #3.

I can't take full credit for this gift. There were other people involved to carry this one out, and I thank Rich's parents for taking the kids.

I have a hard time deciding what to buy Rich for Christmas. It's just not that exciting to open up socks and ties wrapped up under the tree every year.

Since he and his mom were so kind and helpful when I went to up Chicago and Milwaukee, I knew Rich need a break from the kids and that we needed a date, but our Utah social calendar was bursting full with events and parties and I didn't know how I could fit it in. Rich's entire family was going to the Jazz game on the 26th. I realized I could ask his parents to take the kids home with them and we could stay in the night in Salt Lake City or Park City. My parents thought it was a great idea and said I should stay in SLC and then go to the temple the next day. When I called to ask his mom, she quickly said she would use her Marriott points and we could stay downtown. That was very generous and the hotel is right next to the temple.

I wrapped up a box with our hotel photo and a note and gave it to Rich on Christmas morning. He was very surprised and excited about having an actual date with his wife.

The Jazz game was wonderful and after we clicked the kids in their car seats, we switched cars and were off. It is a great, but strange feeling to suddenly be kid free.

The next day we slept in, worked out in the hotel gym and headed to the Gateway for a bit of post Christmas shopping and lunch. Then we caught the 2 PM temple session and were the witness couple. It really was perfect. The whole day, the full week and the entire Christmas season was more than I could have wished for.

Hope your holiday season was wonderful too.


Marcie said...

I love the frames....they are great. I would buy that Valentines one if I saw it in a store.....the darling kids inside only add to the charm.

What fun to hear about great Christmas gifts. I've found the "gift of me" is always a winner with Jim as well.

Laura F said...

Your frames turned out so cute! I can't wait to see the halloween one - what a fun idea.

Vicki said...

The frames are so cute. I am totally going to do that. I also love that in the Valentine picture, Matt's head is turned to the side. He is tooooo funny. I love how detailed you are in you blogs. I love to read them.

Holly said...

Love the frames. Especially the Valentine's one. Is that just a wood frame you are using as the base? I might actually try this with my girls--hmmm. Maybe an Easter frame?!

Cheryl said...


Here's how I made them.

About the frames, I just bought a 5X7 unpainted wooden frame from from Michaels. They cost $2.99 and are back by all the wood products (frames, shelves, boxes, etc.) It come with class, but there is no back support- so it can't stand by itself. I bought a little frame stand at Hobby Lobby for $3.00.

You will need what ever paper you want. I think at least 4 different patterns look great,, stickers or stamps for lettering (Happy Easter, etc), ribbon (my Christmas one had lots of different one tied on the main one- the Valentine's I only used one) and any brads or embelishments you want.

Paint your frame around the corners and around where the glass is. Don't worry about the rest- it will be covered by paper. I also took a stamp pad and lightly grazed the sides- black on the Christmas, red on the Valentine's to give the frame some depth. You don't have to do this if you don't want. If you try it and don't like it, just paint over it.

Decide how you are going to lay it out and then slowly Mod Podge each sheet in place. Be careful it tends to bubble up, especially when you layer. Let it dry.

I then give it one more coat and then used a drill to make small holes in the side for the ribbon and used a very small bit to drill holes for the brads (metal hearts/ snowflake). Do not Mod Podge these. Just glue them in place with craft glue. Keep the ribbon hole small and push the ribbon through with a toothpick or bobby pih. It will look better than way.

And that's it. Totally easy, cheap and they look really fun.