Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog Day

Bundle up folks, it's gonna be a long, cold February! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, leading the groundhog to forecast six more weeks of winter.

I have always loved Groundhog Day. It is simple, yet fun and marks the very first beginnings of spring. I actually noticed today that it is getting dark later. I can't wait for the return of daylight savings in just five short weeks. I also am looking forward to seeing my daffodils start creeping out in the next month. Oh how I love spring and the rebirth of the world. It's truly remarkable.

One more thing, if you haven't seen the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, check it out. It is one of my favorites and would be well worth your time!

Happy Groundhog Day!


Laura F said...

I noticed just today watching the funeral that the sun has moved to where it's in my eyes again on a certain spot on the couch in the front room... I love the little signs the world gives us that spring is coming, and I guess I love the blinding signs, too.

Amanda said...

I can hardly wait for warmer weather although I think it's colder in Utah than it is here in England, so moving back won't be the funnest thing. I too am looking forward to more light. Not only do we have really short days here (in Dec it was 8am to 3:30pm), but I've been told the average sunlight we get per day is two hours. That's how much cloud coverage there is. I miss feeling the sun on my face, even if it's freezing outside.

Vicki said...

I love spring too. Thanks for reminding us that it's coming soon.

Jen said...

Amen to that! I saw this movie when I was younger, but need to watch it again for fun. Only 6 more weeks of winter huh? I think Rochester will be a soggy mess for a while after it thaws out. We probably have 1/2 foot of mud in our garage where the van pulls in and out. So, with the rebirth of the world comes spring cleaning too!