Friday, February 29, 2008

Tagged by Ashlee

How long have you been together? We met 12 years ago on May 10 and will have been married 11 years at the end of April.

How long did you date? Dated for 4 months and engaged for 9 long months. Would have rather switched that around and been engaged for 4, but with the NCAA tourney in March and finals for me in April, a wedding would only work on April 26. It was a great when we finally got married and lived in the same state!

How old is he? 35

Who eats more? Rich. I am a grazer. I eat standing up, rarely use a plate often eat with my hands. It just tastes better that way!

Who said I love you first? Rich did. I told him I loved him too after he dared say it first.

Who is taller? Rich, he's 6'6". I love that he is tall enough so I can wear towering heels and not over power him. In high school I was asked to prom by my best friend’s younger brother. It was so fun to know him well enough that I had 2 pairs of shoes by the door when he came to pick me up. I tried them both on to see which I could get away with. I loved that I could wear the higher heel. I LOVE high heel shoes.

Who can sing better? Probably me, but I just sing more often. I hum and sing all day long. And so does Brynn. It makes me laugh every time I hear her humming around the house.

Who is smarter? Rich is a better writer, far surpasses me at math and physics, has gone through medical school, passed many board exams and graduated from Stanford with a great GPA while playing basketball. I do better with creative projects, love to read (thought I only partially read my text books) and gradated from BYU with an A- average, but I'd give it to Rich since he is the one that could save a life. I'd be stuck dialing 911.

Who does the dishes? I do them more often because I am home, but Rich is great and will pitch in, wash, load and even start the dish washer. Then he'll often wipe down the table or scrub the floor. I'll tell you, I've got a keeper!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I always have.

Who mows the lawn? I LOVE to mow the lawn. I think it's therapeutic, relaxing and who doesn't love a just mowed/edged/weed free lawn and yard. I picked out the mower, got it home from Home Depot and think it was one of my best purchases. Now I just wish the self propelled part worked better (our massive back hill in Louisville killed it after 6 years) and can't wait to get a new, better, wider one when Rich gets done.

Who pays the bills? I do. Always have, always will. I am better at the little details of life, while Rich is out working on the big picture. Though I have to add that when you pay the bills it's much like the oft heard Spiderman quote, “With great power comes great responsibility." I do all the spending so there better had be money in the bank at the end of the month. No excuses!

Who cooks dinner? I do, though it's often a quick meal throw together at 5 PM. Rich is great at manning the grill.

Who is more stubborn? Me, though both of us always will say I'm sorry at the end of a disagreement.

Who kissed who first? Rich kisses me in front of my parent’s home on a warm July night while we leaned against his car.

Who asked who out first? It was a blind date- the first one of my life I should add. Rich's dad and my dad's little brother figured out we should go out while they were talking during a surgery. Rich's dad got my phone number from my dad at the hospital. It was meant to be!

Who proposed? Rich did in a fabulous way and even got down on one knee. Perfect.

Who is more sensitive? Me. I like to say I'm not the emotional, but I'm a girl and need more reassurance.

Who has more siblings? Rich does by 1. He has 4 sisters and 2 brothers while I have 5 brothers.

Who wears the pants? I'd say we each have a great pair that complements each other quite nicely. But the truth is Rich always lets me have my way. What a guy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snow Day #6

Just in case you were counting.... Yesterday we had ANOTHER SNOW DAY. I am praying for an early spring! I swear this city has GOT to get a grip on driving in snow. It never is as bad as they think it will be. The boys will be in school until May 30 and they started back on August 13. That is one mighty long school year.Josh proudly shows off his project of the day- a snow ball that is bigger than a basketball. Nice work!
I love having kids around especially when they have such great fashion choices (slip around the shoulders and sports bra slung across the chest) and are willing to help make dinner.
And I'm thankful for neighbors who are willing to share their cute little furry friends with my kids. Josh needs a puppy fix now and then!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I found the greatest new granola cereal at Sam's Club. It's made by Kashi and is called Mountain Medley. It should be healthy, but I think when you have two huge bowls of it, the excess calories sort of cancel out any health benefits.

The boys brought home a paper yesterday from school that said the district had an emergency meeting and agreed to start doing delayed days when there is bad weather instead of canceling the whole thing. Loved that. You don't have to make up a part day. Now I'm left wondering why the very next morning we get stuck with ANOTHER SNOW DAY when there's maybe one inch of snow. It seems that they are not ready to break old habits quite yet.

So I love the Oscars. When I find out the date I put it on the calendar because let face it when it comes to TV, I never remember when things are on. It's a bit funny I enjoy it all since I rarely have seen the movies that are up for awards and I think almost all actors are quite strange, but I do enjoy the fashion. I watched quite a bit of the preshow (on mute since we were having a lively game of Sorry with the boys). There was a subdued tone because of the writers strike and there were only a handful of star that attended, but it was still fun to see the dresses. I thought Jennifer Garner was hands down the best dressed. I'd give a pregnant Jessica Alba second place. And for the record, I didn't watch a minute of the actual show. I got all the news the next morning via my computer.

I am so loving Project Runway! I got caught up on the episodes I had recorded yesterday so I'm ready for the new show that is on tonight. It'll be FIERCE! I loved the surprise on the last real show (not the reunion) am dying to know who will move on. Enough said.

I am wishing I lived next door to a Sam's Club. Dinner would be so easy if I could pop in everyday to buy fresh meat and veggies at great low prices. It somehow loses its appeal when I have to hunt through the freezer deciding what to thaw out.

Not sure how you can find a sock, a shoe, ten french fries, two sucker sticks, a handful of goldfish crackers, school papers, four army men, a gameboy wall charger and a set of headphones under the back seat in the van AFTER you asked the boys to go out and clean it up and they reported it to be all clear. Strange...

I saw bits of green creeping up around the side of my house. It seems that my lilacs are getting a bit anxious for spring. Me too.

Trey got an email from his new baseball coach. He is still on the Orioles and on a coach pitch team, but our old coach Jimmy Dick's (perfect KY name) son moved up. The new fellow attached his baseball resume to the letter. Not a good sign. I was hoping for a less dedicated/passionate coach this year. I didn't like thinking about running poles with the kids if they were late. Anyway, clicked on the link and was excited/shocked/horrified to read this new one was a scout for the ATLANTA BRAVES for seven years and over all the baseball clinics at UK. We are SO dead. Trey had better be playing wall ball religiously over the next few weeks. He'll be needing it!

So loving that I found Yoplait Lemon Burst yogurt at our little Wal-mart. Before I even put them in my cart I grabbed my cell and called Rich's family as I stood next to the milk, it was that exciting. Never in my seven plus years here have I found a place that carries our favorite flavor. Happily bought all 17 (the checker mentioned I must love the stuff!) on the shelf and know I'll be headed back for more soon!

I am not a fan of almost all of the kid shows my boys record on a daily basis. Every night I delete all Bakugan, Johnny Test, Captain Flamingo and maybe leave one Pokemon on there. Where do they come up with this garbage?

My favorite drink right now is diet Sprite or Fresca (better if it's cold soda) with crushed ice and a bit of grapefruit juice. It is very refreshing and has almost no calories.

Watched Elizabeth: The Golden Age and Becoming Jane last week. Liked both. I enjoy a good show that can loosely count as a history lesson.

Can't believe the girls will be turning two in less than one month. Where as the time gone and why can't they grow hair? Just kidding, it is slowly coming in and they are slowly speaking. I guess it's because I'll miss Kaitlyn shouting "Josh" around the house when searching for Brynn. And I still laugh that "be or ba" can be used for so many words: bubbles, ball, blanket, bottle, baby, bread and Brynn. So many great "B" words for the girl to choose from.

We are back down to owing a single pet again. Our tadpole finally completed his metamorphosis into a frog and then died a week later. And the new frog buddy that came with the upgraded house I purchased died after just ten days. I sent in for our one free replacement frog, but I'm wondering if we should just take a break from small creatures for a while. I don't seem to have a good track record lately!

Matt told me he finally gave in and told Molly he was Maddie's secret admirer. He said he almost wrote it in a note, but didn't and then told Molly not to tell Maddie his news. Doubt that will happen since Molly is Maddie's best friend. Matt was so funny as he nervously told me his tale and didn't look me in the eye until he was done talking. On the same day, Josh unhappily told me a girl he doesn't like wrote him a note that she liked him. It was really cute, but he still has his sights set on Katie. Hard to believe it's already starting...

Can't believe Easter is less than a month away. The bunny around here leaves a toy or two in the basket, so I had better get looking since I haven't purchased anything. He also hides the basket that is attached to yarn so the boys have an interesting time following the trail. (Rich's mom fabled tradition) It takes like a half an hour, so I'm not sure what we'll do this year since we need to be in the van by 8:30 AM. Still figuring that one out....

And finally, I am so excited that the new Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic author) book came out yesterday and wrote to say mine is in the mail. Can't wait to gobble it all up in one day. Better heat up the crock pot and put the laundry on hold because reading is all I plan on doing until I finish the last sentence. (PS Saw that Isla Fisher is playing Becky Bloomwood in the Shopaholic movie they are currently filming. That should be fun!)

Happy day to all!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Famous American Project

Whew! Another school project completed. This one was a big one. Trey had a near month to pick a famous American, write a report, make a poster, get a costume and prepare his 3-5 minute in class oral presentation. Lots to do for student and mom, especially when you start it on the last week. What great habits I'm instilling in him!

The whole thing started a bit rocky. I had spaced that Trey needed to selected a person, so after he had to pull a ticket because I didn't send in the sheet we were scrambling to come up with someone as he ran out the door for school. I scribbled Louis Pasteur on the slip thinking he could wear Rich's medical things and at the last second realized he was French. Oh my! That wouldn't do. So we quickly came up with Orville Wright- as in one of the Wright brothers. It ended up being a great selection.Trey sat by my side as we scoured the Internet for facts, found photos and then created the poster. He wrote out the information and I went over it with the Sharpie. We were quite the team. He gave his oral presentation to us at least 10 times and practiced the word "aeronautics council" over and over again. He was ready.Here Trey is with the finished product headed out the door to school. They had a parade for parents at 10:15 AM in the school foyer. We were anxious to see what the outfit looked like since we didn't do a trial run.He looked great in his pageboy cap, bow tie, sweater vest and dress pants tucked into long black socks hoping to pass for knickers.
After they passed the parents they went from class to class showing off their looks.Our cute neighbor Sam was a great Elvis and you've gotta love the boy from our ward that picked Joseph Smith! After a quick run to the little Wal-mart to kill time and grab chicken, we headed back for lunch with the gang. Trey was very happy with it all, as was I!

Tuesday Tell All: I've Never

I've Never...

Been hang gliding

Played hockey or rugby

Driven across the country

gambled (except for betting $2.00 on one horse race at Keeneland and one at Churchill Downs)

Seen Mount Rushmore

Been to the 4 Corners

Had a ride on a helicopter

Been up on a hot air balloon

had a root canal

had braces

spent Christmas outside of Utah

had a gym membership

gone more than a week without talking to my parents (phone or e-mail)

won a sweepstakes or drawing

missed an airplane flight (not counting connections) or had a flight completely canceled

had a dog (nor ever will)

had a tattoo

smoked a cigarette

tasted alcohol

ran a marathon

had a piercing besides my one hole in each ear

got a speeding ticket

had a c-section

been arrested

hiked to the top of a huge mountain

been to a professional football game

purchased a lottery ticket

worn fur

eaten at PF Changs

beaten my dad at ping pong

learned how to surf

cooked duck or lamb

killed an animal while driving my car

rode on a camel or mechanical bull

gotten up water skiing on one ski

had a professional massage

taken ballet

read the entire Bible

learned how to do a flip turn swimming

been to Canada

lived outside the USA

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pinewood Derby 2008!

Hats off to Rich for creating his first Pinewood derby car for Trey! When we first got the block of wood, I said this was a dad/son deal and I didn't lay a finger on the car. As the days ticked on, I started thinking we should do things a specific way. I doubted Rich's ability and wasn't the most supportive in his techniques and I wanted to say I'm sorry. He did a great job and we were all impressed by how well the car performed.

The only help I gave was assisting in cutting it out at pack night (stabilized the saw- big job!), sanded it a bit, did some minor paint touch ups and took Trey to Hobby Lobby to pick out decals. The rest was all Rich and Trey. Good job guys! Trey with "The Scorpion!" There were three wards that participated. The entire gym was decorated and dinner was served. It was very nice. They had a sound system, an electronic race track, and a video camera hooked up to a large projection screen. It was quite elaborate. The boy scouts got prime seating for viewing the races.Trey couldn't wait for his turn. Each car raced 3 times, once on each lane. Trey's car was awesome. It took first place in his first race and 2nd place in his next two races. Trey was a bit disappointed his didn't win all his races, but was happy to find out that he took 6th place overall out of 25. His car took third place in our ward which earned him a trophy and will move on to the district races later on. That equaled one happy boy! Good job Rich and Trey!

Birthday Fun

Who wouldn't have a PERFECT birthday if you woke up to this happy face, or found your baby girl playing dress up in her big brother's Build-A-Bear clothes?Or got to spend a fun filled morning at story time at the library with these two dolls, followed up a trip to McDonald's playland for lunch?Loved that when you got home you had NINE messages each telling you to have a happy birthday. (I am still laughing that Traci's actually said, "hope you are out eating lunch at McDonald's with the girls." A good friend just KNOWS!)After you picked up the boys from school and sit down with Trey to work on the dreaded famous American project hear Josh burst in exclaiming that he has learned to ride a bike. Just when I told a friend I should start praying the boys are sent to missions they can ride in a car- poof (to quote Matt) it's done. That was birthday present in itself! (Josh was amazing and I see from the lack of shoes on Trey's feet why I buy new socks so often!)What girl wouldn't feel special to get roses like these from her big brother and his cute family,or have the mailman bring so many presents from dear friends and family to my door on my special day?And seriously, what other young women's group in the world would have an activity on cake decorating on your very own birthday? Mine of course! And they had extra cakes so the boys and girls could play along.Brynn was very good at marking things with her spit,while Kaitlyn was queen with the knife and frosting.They were real pros! Josh even wrote his name.While Matt was very good at testing all they had to offer!

And that my dear friends, was my wonderful, happy day. Sure I didn't get a decent picture of my crate paper decorations and Valentine's balloons the boys blew up, or a picture of my un-frosted cake that is STILL in the fridge or a group family shot, but I am not perfect, just my day was! Thanks to everyone who made me feel so special on my birthday!

Tagged- The ABC's of Me

Tagged by Heather and Traci:

A- Attached or single: Attached. Married for almost 11 years.
B- Best Friend: Rich and my mom. I love all my girlfriends. They add to so much joy to my life.
C-Cake or Pie: Love my Grandma Nance's banana cream pie, pumpkin pie and Derby Pie, but not fan of the crust. Do not like baked fruit pies.
D- Day of Choice: Friday- the beginning of the weekend and no homework for a few days.
E- Essential Item(s): Internet, cell phone, Softlips, Johnson & Johnson baby lotion
F- Favorite Color: Normally would say blue, loving pink right now. Almost always wear black, white or something very netural. My closet is quite boring, and I like it that way.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither. I would choose Swedish fish or Jelly Belly candies.
H- Hometown: Salem, Utah
I- Indulgence(s): A hot shower once a day! Love pedicures and someday would love to get a long massage.
J- January or July: July. I love the 4th of July, BBQ's, watermelon, corn on the cob, playing croquet in the backyard, fireworks, friends and family.
K-Kids: Five. Trey 8, Josh and Matt will be 7 in June, Brynn and Katilyn 2 next month. Totally want one more baby, but not quite yet....
L-Life is incomplete without: Rich, my kids and phone calls from family
M- Marriage Date: April 26, 1997
Number of Siblings: 5 brothers: one older (11 months, 2 weeks) and four younger
O- Oranges or Apples: Both. A good orange is better than candy and a crisp apple dipped in carmel- heaven!
P- Phobias or Fears: I am afraid of my kids getting abducted.
Q- Quote(s): "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
R- Reason To Smile: My kids playing together, Rich coming home from work, a great sale online with free shipping!
S- Season: Fall- the start of the holidays, changing leaves, soup, pumpkin bread and the kids back in school.
T- Tag Six: Jen G., Vicki, Kristi, Marcie, Kara and Laura
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I would have sold my left arm for a pair of Guess jeans in 6th and 7th grade. I know now if I had told my mom, she would have bought me a pair, but I was just to scared to ask. Got a wardrobe of ESPRIT and Guess in 8th grade, was in heaven!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I need meat in my life, esp. turkey and chicken. A bit of protien just makes me feel physically better.
W- Worst Habit: Staying up late, interruping, not spending enough one on one time with my kids.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I LOVE ultrasounds because they make me think of when I was pregnant and getting little peeks at my babies. Since Rich has chosen the field of radiology, I am grateful for both, plus MRI's, CT scans and all other inventions that provide Rich a job.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Cafe Rio beef salad with black beans, extra salsa and creamy dressing.
Z: Zodiac: Pisces. Don't believe in signs or horoscopes.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day #5

Sometimes you can get too much of a good thing. While I still love the unexpected event of a snow day, I think my kids have spent more time home lately than they have at school. And after looking at the picture of our cul-de-sac today it looks a bit puzzling to why they canceled it this morning. We had an ice storm come through yesterday and it lasted into the night. I got a phone call yesterday morning at 9:45 telling me they were having early dismissal at 11:35 AM in hopes of getting everyone home before the storm blew through. I grabbed the boys from school, dashed into the little Wal-mart to pick up lunch and it was already getting icy as we drove home. Rich got home fine around 6 PM after he scraped his car for twenty minutes, but it was very icy and it got worse as the night wore on. There was at least 1/4 an inch on the ground when we went to bed. I thought school was going to be questionable, but I really hoped they would be able to go. Sadly the tempertures didn't warm up until 10 AM, so they called it off. I am still confused why they don't do delayed days here since things are often good by 9 or 10 AM. It's always nice to have the boys here with me and it thrills the girls to no end, but I just am not as productive when we have a free day pop up on us. After a busy morning of laundry, baths and breakfast the boys headed out to spend the day with friends. Good idea! Josh is in heaven to finally have a day off when it's warm enough to ride his bike all day long.

Hope your weather is better than ours and a bit more predictable!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lots of reasons to LOVE being 31 years old!


Thirty-one is the natural number following 30 and preceding 32. (It was just meant to be this year...)

31 is a prime number. (That means I'm in the PRIME of my life!)

= 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 The sum of five powers of 2. (Maybe this is why I am prone to having twins.)

= 5 + 5 + 5 The sum of three powers of 5. (Or why I have 5 children in THREE pregnancies!)

Two of my favorite holidays are on the 31st of the month: Halloween and New Year's Eve!

There are 31 letters in the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet. (I should learn how to write my name in Russian.)

Thirty-one is a betting game played with cards. (I love a good game of Poker!)

In French the expression "trente et un" means someone who is well dressed. (I'm all about high fashion prancing about in my workout clothes 50% of the day!)

The number of days in the months January, March, May, July, August, October and December.

The code for international direct-dial phone calls to the Netherlands. (Who knew?)

The number of flavors of Baskin Robbins ice cream. (Need to try them all out this year!)

In Star Trek, the name of Section 31, a secret police shadow organization of the Federation. (For you Dad and Todd.)

The permanent teeth generally number 32 in all: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 bicuspids, and 4 (or 6, if wisdom teeth develop) molars in each jaw. BUT I had one congential missing wisdom tooth on the bottom when they were removed in high school, which means I must have only had 31 teeth!

Messier object M31, a magnitude 4.5 galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. It is also known as the Andromeda Galaxy, and is readily visible to the naked eye in a modestly dark sky. (I have seen this with mine own eyes. Amazing and beautiful!)

The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on -1805 January 31 and ended on -489 March 31. The duration of Saros series 31 was 1316.2 years, and it contained 74 solar eclipses. (Love those eclipses!)

For the sports lovers in my life, 31 is...

The jersey number of basketball great and retired Indiana Pacer Reggie Miller.
The jersey number of famed NHL goaltender Curtis "CuJo" Joseph, who currently plays for the Phoenix Coyotes.
Is the jersey number of Baseball Hall of Famer Ferguson Jenkins and Greg Maddux.
Is the retired jersey number of Baseball Hall of Famer Dave Winfield.
The jersey number of Hall of Fame forward Shawn Marion.
The jersey number for Cleveland Browns Running Back Jamal Lewis.
The car number of NASCAR driver Jeff Burton.
The jersey number of Riverside High School great Justin Vishnesky.
The jersey number of San Diego Chargers' defensive back Antonio Cromartie.
The jersey number of Dallas Cowboys safety Roy Williams.

And my own personal 31 favorite reasons:

1. Rich
2. Trey
3. Josh
4. Matt
5. Brynn
6. Kaitlyn
7. Mom and Dad Nance
8. Greg and Kate
9. Michael and baby
10. Brad and Jana
11. Jeff and Sarah
12. Kurt
13. Rhett
14. Mom and Dad Jackson
15. Jenny and Andrew
16. Jacob and Ruby
17. Julianne and Charlie
18. Halle, Annie, Emma and baby
19. Heather and Kris
20. Kamae, Jackson and baby
21. Rosie
22. Danny, Brynn
23. Kalle
24. Taylor
25. Grandma Nance
26. Grandma and Grandpa Larsen
27. Grandma and Grandpa Hansen
28. Grandma Jackson
29. All the extended family
30. My dear, sweet friends from throughout my life, old and new...
31. For my life and the opportunity I have to share it with all these amazing people!!

Looks like 31 is going to be one great year!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Cheryl!

I am taking the liberty of entering my first post on Cheryl's blog to wish Cheryl a very happy 31st birthday. Cheryl has told me many times in the last few weeks that she is proud to be turning 31 years old, and has no misgivings about adding another digit to her age. Of course, if you know Cheryl you know she has more energy than any 13 year old and she shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

I am very fortunate to have such a wonderful wife. She is such a great blessing in my life and does so much for all of our children.

Cheryl's birth date has some added significance for me. It was on Cheryl's birthday, February 20 that I injured my left knee (Anterior Cruciate Ligament tear) during my junior year of college, just a few months before I met Cheryl. While this injury was a very discouraging event at the time, it set in motion the events that allowed me to meet Cheryl. I like to say that I traded my knee ligament for my wife and it is clearly the best trade I have ever made.

Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A New Buddy

Our tadpole is quickly turning into a frog and will soon need a larger container and different food.Knowing that I would need to buy the new grub, decided to get an upgraded system that came with a free frog. Everyone needs a friend! He came a few days ago. I was not that pleased when I read that you can't have a tadpole and frog in the same case. I called customer service and said once the tail is down to a nub I can put them in together.
Our kitchen looks like it's turning into the Kentucky room at the Louisville zoo with so many small creatures. Here's hoping I can combine the tanks soon because the two containers are killing me!

Tuesday Tell All: Love List

My List of Things I LOVE!

* Diving into a great book

* Running around a park with my kids

* Hawaii

* Disneyland and the Beach Cottages in San Diego

* The mountains in Utah County

* Mowing the lawn

* Watching the lightning during a thunderstorm

* Lying on your back outside watching a meteor shower

* Rafting on Salem Pond

* Glittery sparkle shoes on my girl’s feet and bows in their hair

* Going to the dentist and finding out you have NO cavities!

* McDonald's ice cream cones and Wendy's chili

* Chili's and Cafe Rio salads and homemade salsa

* The world after a snow fall

* Snow Days

* Going to lunch at school

* Attending a baseball game

* Bits of green daffodils and tulips popping up in the spring

* Bright sunshine on my face

* Rainbow and hummingbirds

* Roses and Gerber Daisies

* Pear and watermelon Jelly Bellies

* Taking pictures

* Stanford basketball

* March Madness (Love those brackets!)

* My van

* Wicked

* Fireworks (esp. Thunder Over Louisville)

* Watermelon and corn on the cob and a BBQ on a warm summer night.

* Swimming at the pool with my family until it's dark

* My watch and gold hoop earrings

* Listening to my children pray

* Finding something I misplaced or remembering something I had forgotten

* Getting letters from my brother Kurt on his mission and from the grandparents

* Taking my kids to the dollar store as a reward

* Talking to my family on the phone

* Going home to Utah and sleeping at our parents homes

* My new white blackberry cell phone with pink gel case- thanks Rich!

* The smell of laundry and new babies

* Having a clean house

* Getting done exercising

* Staying up late

* Sleeping in

* Taking a walk

* Going to the zoo and seeing baby animals

* Playing Christmas songs on the piano

* Cranking up the iPod in the car with the kids and singing along

* Shopping at the Gap, Pottery Barn, Ann Taylor, Gymboree and a great department store

* Going to lunch with my mom

* Keeping up with great friends

* Talking history with my dad

* Going to museums

* Seeing impressionist paintings (Renoir, Monet, Degas, Van Gogh, etc)

* Renting movies, eating popcorn and ordering Papa John's Pizza

* Celebrating Birthdays and holidays

* Creating traditions with our kids

* Watching Project Runway

* Traveling to new places

* Teaching the young women

* The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the scriptures (esp. the Book of Mormon)

* Matt's creativity with his outfits. -Just yesterday he wore a sword on a belt and swimming goggles into the mall. Rich promptly made him take off the goggles stating that he looked like Napoleon Dynamite. I think there are just not many times in life you can get away looking like this so I say- who cares!

* Trey's inventive ideas about getting games and his love for comic books

* Josh's love for all things sports

* Brynn's pretend talking on the phone and her fake laughs as she chats away with an imaginary person

* Kaitlyn's love for all the Josh's in our home (Trey, Matt, Brynn and Josh) and her adoration for her daddy

* Rich's helpfulness with the kids and house

* His love for me

* Being married to my best friend

* Our true partnership in all things

Monday, February 18, 2008

We Love You, but....

After church yesterday Rich and I got the girls down for their nap and were taking a rest ourselves when the boys burst into the room informing us that we HAD to go downstairs to see something. When I told them just one minute, they nearly pulled me off the bed themselves.As I entered the kitchen I was surprised and touched by their lunch feast they had prepared for us, complete with name cards. Trey said he had gotten out the plates and carrots and grapes. Matt got out his beloved donuts to share and Josh pointed out that they frosted the cookies, but were unsure if we wanted sprinkles, so he put them on the table just in case. Josh also showed me how he cleaned up the kitchen and Matt brought out a Valentine ring for me to wear and a few extra boxes of Nerds from the Valentine stash.

As I munch on my Quaker rice cakes (love them!) I asked them whose brilliant idea this was. They all grinned and finally Trey said, "It's because we love you..... and I have one other thing to show you."He ran over to the computer and showed me the screen. "And I want this Lord of the Rings Playstation 2 game. It's only rated Teen for violence and there is just a little blood."

The truth was finally out. And while I LOVED the food, that was still one big NO for the video game.

Gotta love kids and their ingenious plots to undermine parents' authority!

Straight from their mouth....

The other children were tucked in bed, but Matt was starving and couldn't fall asleep. As he munched on his nuggets while I swept the floor his little mouth was just going non-stop in between bites. The topics were broad and he didn't need me to resond, just listen.

Matt simply stated, "Mom, did you know that dinosaurs, pirates and knights were once real and alive. Then they had extinction. Their total worst nightmare!"I just nodded and smiled.

I think I know what Matt will be dreaming about tonight!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Love to Read Week

This week at school was I Love to Read Week. The boys did not have spelling this week (hooray!) and had activities planned for each day.

Monday they voted for thier favorite book character and spent time discussing books. Trey's homework was to read to someone they love for 20 minutes. He read comics to himself for 15 minutes and only read to Matt for 5 minutes. I guess it was better than nothing.
Tuesday (Snow Day) was supposed to be Read a Shirt day. The kids were to wear shirt that had writing on them. Here are the boys modeling the ones we had picked out. It took a good ten mintues for them to decide. The can be quite picky when it comes to clothes.
Wednesday (Snow Day) was supposed to be Hat Day. This is not your typical wear any old cap to school. You were assigned to design and create a hat your favorite character from a book would wear. That was not an easy task! Trey picked Jack Sparrow. We used a pirate hat I bought at Disneyland. Trey added the book title, author, picture of Jack and beads. Josh and Matt both picked Harry Potter after I sugested it because I knew I could make a decent wizard hat. Josh drew pictures of Harry, Ron and Herimonie and had a Gryffindor design on the back. Matt drew a picture of Harry and Draco having a wizard duel. He had a Slytherin design on the side. They all did a great job. They wore them to school on Thursday. Thursday was wear red since it was Valentine's Day. I laughed when I saw Josh and Matt's homework was to come home and read all their Valentines to a family member. Trey's homework was to create a book cover for one of his favorite books. He chose a Magic Tree House nonficiton companion book about Tsunami's. Friday was a make up snow day so they made it PJ day. The kids could bring in a pillow, slippers, stuffed animal and a good book. They had parent guest readers and the kids spent most of the day reading. The boys were excited they all had slippers that fit this year. That is one accessory my kids don't wear much.

Too bad we had to skip so many of the day due to snow, but it was a fun week overall. I am glad they are teaching the kids that it is great to love to read!