Friday, January 25, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: No Regrets, Just Lessons Learned PART 2

This weeks TTA topic was a harder one for me. It was easy to write down the little things (part 1), but I thought about the deeper meaning of it for days. The theme of "life lessons learned" seemed to be everywhere. Trey gave a talk on Sunday about choice. I gave a young women lesson on Living the Gospel Daily. I had discussions about life with Rich and my mom.

I could have just left it with the first post, but I wanted to write more. This is where I keep my journal, and since I have kept my blog private feel comfortable sharing my thoughts in this forum.

After all the ideas I came up with regarding choices, regret and life it boiled down to one thing: FREE AGENCY. The truth is we have been sent to earth to be tested. This is the plan. We have to live, choose and be responsible for our actions.

In Trey's talk he read the scripture 2 Nephi 2:27. It reads: Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." Heavenly Father as given us the opportunity to choose. We are free to make good or bad choices. And they can bring us happiness or sadness, but it is all up to us.

As I went over my life in my mind, yes, there are things I wish I could change, but the fact is I can't. I can simply learn from my mistakes, become a better stronger, wiser person because of them and keep moving forward. I have a beautiful patriarchal blessing and in it was told "Heavenly Father sent you forth here upon this earth knowing that there would be challenges and adversities and difficulties but that through your faith in him those challenges and adversities would become great opportunities for growth, development and strength. Look upon every setback that come to you in life as an opportunity to grow and go forward. Do not be discouraged, do not fear for the Lord will be with you."

I know that pertains to ALL of his children. Do not be discouraged, do not fear. The Lord will be with you.

My young women lesson pointed out that challenges will always be part of our lives, even when we live the gospel. But the gospel does give direction to help us solve our problems, and the comfort and peace we receive from living close to the Lord can help us face these problems without any panic or fear. It also stated that our challenges are of varying degree and difficulty. Some are simple and relatively insignificant. But if they are not handled correctly, they can cause misunderstanding, frustration and anger.

Of course I know that sometimes we have hard situations placed upon us and some that we had a hand in choosing, but through it all if we stay close to the Lord we will be help through the tough times.

The lesson also stated that the Lord has not promised us freedom from problems, but he has promised to support us in our trials. If we are faithful, we will have a great reward in the kingdom on heaven.

I watched the movie Evan Almighty the other day with the boys. I liked the lines that God (Morgan Freedman) told to Evan's wife. "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

Yes, we are given trials to help us grow. While we might not enjoy them and pray they simply go away, we can become better in the end if we learn the valuable life lessons and develop the qualities we need to get through the rough times.

I thought of the common used phrase, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." But I bet if we were the one mowing the other person's lawn, we would see the weeds, the bugs and dry, dead patches and realize that our grass is just as nice or even better. I think we would then be content with the yard we had chosen.

Same goes for life. How easy is it to sit and think that so and so has it so good or if I were them, my life would be perfect. There are many problems to this way of thinking. You will soon find that you will never be content, you will miss out the perfectly wonderful life you have in front of you and you will fail to help anyone along life's journey if you are always focused on yourself.

One last thought. I know that we can be used as an instrument in the hand of the Lord. We can listen to the spirit to be led to those who need our help; people that could benefit from our friendship and knowledge about certain things. If we are not aware and looking for them, they could simply pass us by unnoticed, still struggling to get by on their own. We can teach, love and strengthen those who are in need of a friend, a support or just a listening ear. And I bet 100% of the time, we'll be a better person for it.

"For Good" from Wicked.

I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be that we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good

Let us use our free agency to make happy choices in this life and use our time and knowledge to serve, love and help others. Don't live a life full of regret. Learn from it, move on and help others along the way. That's what I am going to try to do starting right now.


Heather Woolley said...

Cheryl, I think you should write a book. I love that I get to read your blog, but you have such a great way of saying things that SO many people need to hear. I loved this post and read it over twice, then made a copy of it so I could have it to read when I'm not by my computer. I loved it.

Marcie said...

Absolutely Beautiful!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

well said! can you come back our ward again?

Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing such personal thoughts. They were very well said. I've been thinking much the same thing since being given this topic.

It really is all about our choices. We can't change anything from the past, but we can use it to make us stronger.

Thank you for being so spiritually in tune. I always feel uplifted after reading your blog. You truly are a dear friend.

Holly said...

That was a great entry. Such beautiful thoughts. I had such a hard time with that TTA that I didn't even post it. I just don't like to look at the past and fill my head with what ifs. Sure, I made mistakes, but I am a much happier person when I keep my focus forward in faith, not looking back. Thanks for reminding us of that power to choose.

Jen said...

I knew you were amazing, but reading this I think you are even more amazing. I learn so much from you. Really, we can all be instruments for the Lord to one another, I agree! You are so selfless. That is why I love you!