Monday, January 21, 2008

B.O.O.T. Camp

With the kids home for the MLK holiday, our primary had an activity this morning. The boys went to B.O.O.T. Camp. It stands for B.O.O.T. = Building Our Own Testimonies. They had a great time. They came home talking a mile a minute about all they did, what they made, ate and brought home. They had hats, dog tags, snacks, drills, obstacle courses (hold to the Iron Rod) and so much fun!

I called the primary president after to thank her and she said they found the idea from This is a great site with resources for YW, YM, nursery, activity days, Relief Society, Primary music leader and ward activities. I looked through it today and found so many good things. I remember Kristi telling me about it a while ago, but had forgotten about it. Here's the write up for this activity from the website.

B.O.O.T. Camp (B.O.O.T. = Building Our Own Testimonies)

Invitation should read:The Few, The Proud, The Righteous! You’ve been drafted to serve as a soldier in God’s army! Please report to Fort Faith on (date) at (time) where you will receive further instructions.”

Everyone will START at Station 1 and END at Station 6. Groups can rotate through 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Station #1: [Spiritual] Physical Examination(Have children do movements associated w/each body part while discussing the question)Mind - Is your mind pure in thought? Ears - Can you hear the still small voice of the spirit?Eyes - Is your vision focused on the gospel? Mouth - Do you speak kind words? Hands - Are they quick to serve?Arms - Are they always reaching outward? Heart - Do you show Christ-like love? Balance - Are you well balanced in your life, spiritual as much as physical? Knees - Are they sore from praying daily? Feet - Do they stand firm on gospel ground? Muscles - Do they have strength to carry on?

Station #2: Basic Training Daily drills include: Reading Scriptures, Prayer, Acts of service Activity: (Sung to the army call...Sing while marching)“I just know, that it’s true, primary, is good for you!”“Green and yellow, black and white, I will always, choose the right!”“Arms folded in, and then outside, I will let the Spirit guide!”“I will do, what’s right and good, Just like everybody should!”

Station #3: Drills Relay races (or sack races, using pillow cases)

Station #4: Maneuvers Obstacle Course (theme “Enduring to the End”)*Should include spiritual as well as physical obstacles.

Station #5: Operation Service Draw pictures and/or write cards to military serving in Iraq.

Station #6: Mess HallRefreshment center - includes cupcakes decorated with US flag and other patriotic themed foods.

Station #7: USO EntertainmentMusic - sing hymns like “Called to Serve” and “We’ll Bring The World His Truth”Leaders bear testimony and Close with prayer.

Thanks Tates Creek Primary for the great activity. The boys will be talking about this one for a while!


Amanda said...

Sounds like a great website. I'd never heard of it. I've only used I'll have to start using it. The BOOT camp was such a cute idea. How much fun. You could probably make a fun FHE out of it.

Holly said...

THis sounds like the cutest primary activity. If I am ever called to Primary it will be a must do activity! I am glad the boys had such a blast!

Tiffany said...

What a great activity and a great way to spend the holiday. A lot more exciting than our Monday spent at the Dr. because Keenan has strep throat for the 3rd time!

Marcie said...

What a great activity. I LOVE Sugardoodle and refer to it often.

Sally said...

Love this idea and Sugardoodle. I got lots of great ideas for YW off that site.

I have to say that I think people who are in the primary are going straight to the top...I substituted on Sunday and honestly wanted to slit my wrists after 2 hours. I have been in YW for too long and lost all of my patience with young kiddos - oh wait, I never had any to begin with :)

Laura F said...

what a fun activity! i've never seen it done before, but then again we have very limited combined experience in primary at our house still.