Friday, January 25, 2008

Hold To The Rod

I find myself daily caught up in the to-do lists, the here and there errands and shuttling my kids to and from this and that. In between homework, laundry, play time, endless clean up, bathing, dressing, wiping noses, changing diapers, kissing scrapes and typing away on the computer I seem to be a bit like this little man in the painting. I think he and I are cut from the same cloth. His arms, pockets and bags are bursting full of worldly things; things that fill up our days and can often take over our lives.

There above his head is the Iron Rod. It is always close by to help guide us on the proper path of life. He certainly knows of its importance and value and strives to keep it in sight, yet he holds fast to all his belongings. As a viewer of the painting it is easy to see that he simply should put down a few items so he can hold tight.

I, like this little man, can see the rod every day as well. I know what I should be doing, but am I making that my first priority? I nearly always get my physical exercise in, but how is my spiritual body doing? Am I nourishing my spirit like I do my body? Am I doing the little things? I'll be the first to admit that fast Sundays are not something I look forward to, and yet how often is my spirit spiritually hungry and I don't give it the food it needs? I can see that I need to learn a little from this fellow's predicament and stop, unburden my life of unnecessary fillers and hold on tight to doing the small things. Not only will it help me, but my entire family as well.

With that said, this is my newest painting courtesy of my parents. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) It is by James Christensen and is titled Hold to the Rod. Mr. Christensen wanted to paint something from the Book of Mormon and he chose to paint about Lehi's dream. I hung the painting in our living room above the piano so we can all view it throughout the day. I loved talking to the boys and explaining the picture to them. They knew the story and once I started talking about the tree and the iron rod the boys loved telling me the rest.

I am very grateful to have art work in my home that teaches me and my family gospel principles. I love the visual reminder of a scriptural passage. Above my bed I have the 10 Lepers, above the mantle is the Widow's Mite, in my room is Mary and baby Jesus and in the entryway is a paining of Jesus Christ. I hope through these paintings, they will instill a love in my children of the scripture story it refers to and teach them life lessons that will help them now and forever.


Amanda said...

Well put, and exactly what I needed today. I think we're all in the same boat. All of us could give up a little more of the world to focus on the heavens.

That is a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It was a good reminder to me of what is important.

Marcie said...

Thank you for sharing this. It is so hard for me also, to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle. It is wonderful for you to have this hanging as a daily reminder.

I decided when we moved into this house almost five years ago that I would not have anything hanging in my house that does not have special personal meaning. So all our paintings are either Arnold Friberg BOM prints, temple prints or photos and diplomas that represent us. This would actually make a good TTA "If walls could talk". I think I'll do it soon.

Barney Family said...

Hey Cheryl,
Thanks for the encouragement! If anyone understands long years of schooling that would be you. You have given me a little relief about moving to Indianapolis. I am sure it will be the same as columbus, OH. Maybe we will be able to get together some time out in the midwest. We always wanted to go to Louisville and Lexington while in Ohio and never made it. So it is definitely on our to do list. Maybe we will have to meet you there. We have always wanted to go to the Kentucky Derby. Who Knows the next couple of years are fulls of many possibilities.
We do not have any future plans for a place to practice. we are looking at Colorado,Nevada, Pheonix, and where we can find a job. Thanks for the insight.


Kristi said...

Talk about perspective, thanks for that....

I love all of your paintings. I think it adds such warmth and class to your home. One day I hope to trade in my yard sale deco for some paintings. Oh, to dream....

Sarah said...

This makes me reflect if I'm prioritizing quite right. It seems life can get busy, and I don't even have kids yet!

Your home sounds and looks beautiful from what I've heard and seen. Wishing there was a time we could visit. In Interior Design the professor mentioned the MOST important thing to have in the home is gospel art that will set our focus (our own and our children's) on the Savior and life's bigger picture. You are a great example!

Sally said...

Such a great post. I have to ask you where you got this framed? Brandon gave me this for my b-day but I have not framed it yet and I love what you chose. Let me know...

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

We have that painting also... I got it for Jeff for his birthday- I love it too and the message of it. Now when I look at it i'll remember all the great stuff you said.