Monday, January 7, 2008

Season of Change

2008 You know the holidays are over and the New Year is in full swing when...
You visit Sam's Club and find the prelit trees, faux fireplaces and 10 pound boxes of chocolates no where to be found and instead see tread mills, elliptical machines and exercise videos stashed everywhere you turn!

You find 4 return to sender Christmas cards in your mailbox and realize that your once completed project isn't quite over.

You have written 2007 on at least 5 checks. Who knows how many I didn't notice and failed to change to 2008!

Every news broadcast focuses on the upcoming election and presidential debates are on every night, on every channel. Rich is drawn to them like I am to E! News. I know a lot about these candidates!

You can buy 5 boxes of fancy Christmas cards valued at $16.00 each for a total of only $7.36!

When you call the office expecting to hear your mom's voice on the other end, only to discover the sweet voice of Ruby, thus making you realize it is Wednesday and not Thursday like you had previously thought. Time to get into a routine and schedule and pull out the calendar to help you along!

Your outdoor thermometer reads 72 degrees on January 7th and your kids ride their scooters around the cul-de-sac until dark in only short sleeve shirts.

The National Football Championship is over and college football is put to rest for a few months.

You realize that the last day YMCA basketball sign ups for the winter 2 session was December 15. Every league is full. Oops!

Spring baseball sign up start on Saturday January 12th!

One of your best friends surprises you with a package only to discover it's an early birthday gift. What a way to make your day!

One of your kindergartners proudly announces he is thrilled they will be starting spelling test next week. Sadly I do not feel the joy like he does.

The Beijing Olympic Games begin in 212 days! After seeing my boys' deep and abiding love for the X-games, I am betting they will enjoy the Olympics. For me though, the major time difference and wide spread leaks of final information via the Internet and cable channels, it doesn't hold the wonder and awe as it did when I was a child.

You spy Derby Pie for sale at the grocery store and buy it for your FHE treat because Thunder Over Louisville is only 14 Saturdays away!

You find two aisles of Valentine's and (surprise!) Easter candy at Wal-mart.

Your 21 month old daughter refuses to let you dress her and after pulling clothes from the drawers and finding matching shoes in the closet, she manages to pull on her pants and 1/2 of her shirt on all by herself. Talk about independence!

The same 21 month old can raid the cupboard of snacks, rip them open with her razor sharp teeth, scale the unusually high king size pillow top mattress in your room upstairs and find her snuggled in under the sheets with her bottle, blanket and Cheetos close at hand.

Your other 21 month old daughter can open your door, climb on the toilet, turn on the faucet and wash her face and mouth all by herself. She even finishes by drying her hands on the towel. She also can point out Daddy, Moma and all three "Josh" (that would be Trey, Matt and one real Josh) in any photo.

I can clearly see 2008 is off to a fast and furious start. I am sure it'll fly by like 2007. I just need to take it and enjoy it a day at a time!


Marcie said...

72 degrees! I would....well have to travel to Hawaii for that. How nice!

Does Brynn have room for me in that bed...and some Cheetos to spare. Sounds like heaven to me.

Is Easter and Valentines candy out?! Yipee. Definitely my two favorite candy holidays.

Stephanie said...

Shane wasn't too happy to see your LSU picture. I don't think I will be blogging about Ohio St for quite a while!

traci said...

That was a sweet entry. I hope my little girl is that independent at 21 months!

Sue said...

This was fun to read. Your right 2008 is already off to a furious start. Where does all the time go? Look at little miss independent. When I find my kids doing things for themselves sometimes I worry that they feel like they have to figure it our because mommy isn't taken care of them because she's busy blogging:). I have to almost train my thoughts that it's so great that they are growing and becoming independent. It's a little hard for me to get use to. It looks like your teaching your little ones well. I love that your little sweetie crawled into bed with a bag of chips. So cute!

Tiffany said...

Are you serious that Thunder is only 14 Saturdays away?! That makes me hyperventilate -- partially because I'm excited for it, but mostly because of all I need to do to this blasted house before then!

Amanda said...

I'm going to miss the Valentine's candy back in the states (although the chocolate here is much better), but I look foward to getting home in time for the Easter candy. My favorite, Mini Eggs.

To be honest, our January has gone by pretty slow. Probably because there's not much going on here. Kimball started back to school, but that's about it. I'm excited for my kids to start being involved in more things. I know it will be here before I know it, so I should enjoy them at home while I have them.

Thanks for the fun post.