Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My dear friend Traci tagged me MONTHS ago and I so wanted to play along. I am supposed to write six fun and random things about me. After my insanely long 200 hundred list you might think I would have run out of facts about Cheryl, but I guess I am one crazy, strange person because I still found new ones to write about.

1. I have climbed to the crown of the Staue of Liberty. My mom, dad, brother Greg and I waited in line for 4 HOURS. Totally worth the 30 second view from up top.

2. I am a huge exgaggerator. (I must take after my dad.) I make everything a bit larger when telling a story, except for the price of something and then simple cut that in half!

3. I am facinated by Mt. Everest. If I knew 100% I wouldn't die and would make it to the summit, it would be on my "must do" list in my lifetime!

4. I love S'mores Pop-Tarts, but only eat the top part by scrapping it off with a fork and then toss the bottom. (I warned you I'm a bit weird!) It's much more sweet only eating the top! Though I try to not let my kids see me do this. I don't want to start them on any bizzare, wasteful habits.

5. I shave my legs everyday.

6. I saw a total eclipse of the sun on the big island of Hawaii in 1991. My dad looked through a book in college that listed all the total eclipses to come. Isn't it amazing how you can predict these things years and years in the future down to the exact moment and length of totality. It was the first good one-near 4 minutes- that he could go to, so he marked the date and waited, and waited and waited (nearly 20 years!) for July 11 to come. He was more than tense that night seeing the cloudy sky. In a real miracle we woke up, got powdered donuts (now called eclipse donuts) for breakfast at a gas station next to our hotel and ended up viewing the eclipse there in the parking lot when there was a break in the clouds. There were only a handful of people able to view this eclipse on the island because of the poor weather conditions. We were so blessed!

And now you more a bit more about me. I tag Amanda, Laura and Sarah. Good luck and have fun with it!


Amanda said...

Thanks a lot. I don't know why I have the hardest time thinking of stuff about myself, but I'll give it my best shot.

Believe it or not, I knew a couple of those things already, but it was fun to remember them and to learn more. I didn't know you were so fascinated by Mt. Everest. I noticed that you've read "Into Thin Air". I've heard a lot of good things about that book and I want to read it. Just this past year when we were in Utah, there was a marathon documentation of Mt.Everest on Discovery or something. It was fascinating. It followed a group of hikers to the top. Actually I think only two or three made it to the top. It was a crazy documentation. The things they went through about killed me. I've never understood why somebody would put their lives in that much jeopardy. I remember as one of the guys that made it to the top came down, he passed someone that had just laid down to die. The guy who found him was an ER Doctor and wanted to help him because he was still alive, but there was no way to help, they were still so far up. During the trek up and down you'd pass quite a few dead bodies from the past years. I think that's absolutely crazy and sad. I agree that if there were a garauntee that you'd survive it would be a consideration, but I've heard too many horror stories about it. It is a pretty amazing mountain though. You should write a post about it sometime.

Marcie said...

I am also SUPER fascinated by Everest and think I have watched every program on it. Into Thin Air is such a great book.

I'm thinking climbing is too dangerous...but I would still love to visit Tibet and see it in person.

What a great thing that your DAD had that in the works for SO long. What a blessing it worked out.

Sarah said...

Well I need to get back to blogging! This tag will be a good incentive for me to write. The semester's off and running and we've found a new groove with Jeff's work schedule (he grabbed an extra section at UVSC and now teaches on Thursday's 7-10 PM! And I thought until 5 was a long day!)

Love reading the fun things about you... especially enjoyed knowing you shave everyday! that is SO impressive!! Seeing a solar eclipse would be amazing. THe first night I met your parents (in March), Dad brought out his telescope into the front yard and we looked at the night sky. I remember thinking how neat of a hobby that is.

Hope you each are well! Lots of love!

traci said...

You are not weird - you are simple amazingly unique! I wouldn't have waited for the trip in the crown, but I am glad I have you to tell me how great it was. You inspire me to do things I wouldn't normally do. One day we need to take a trip, without kids, and then you can take me on a great adventure!

Ashlee said...

I can't believe you shave your legs everyday! I'm lucky if I get mine done once a week. Poor Drew.

Kristi said...

This post made me laugh very hard because you are more sick and twisted than I thought. I mean, come ON Cheryl... you eat the sweet stuff off the top of POP TARTS?!? You kill me.

Laura F said...

Yikes! I just noticed the tag... I'll get on that. But it's so fun to read yours! I would have NEVER guessed the pop tart thing, and I didn't know it was such a close call seeing the eclipse! Wow!