Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Snow Day

I saw the snow begin to fall yesterday afternoon, but with Rich stuck for an entire day and night at the hospital, I had no plans of venturing out in the cold and fighting the crowds on New Years Day, so I didn't give the first real flakes of the year much thought. When Rich called late into the night and asked how much snow we got, I had no idea. As I peered out the dark window, the first thing I thought was, there is no way the kids will have school tomorrow. For all you living outside of Lexington, you must be thinking that we must have had a nor'easter pass through leaving mounds and mounds of snow blocking our door and trapping us inside. Like I said, you don't live in Lexington. This is how much we got. Yup, a near inch. And yes, plenty enough for a snow day. I still laid out the clothes and got the backpacks ready last night just in case, but I would have been shocked if they had school this morning. I got up at 6:45 AM and before waking the boys, went down to the kitchen and turned on the news. I watched as the massive lists of closures flashed across the bottom of the screen until I finally saw what I had been waiting for. Fayette County: No School Wednesday. Good news for all. Sure, we have to make it up in May, but what's an extra day at the end of the year? Trey was still awake at 11:00 PM after I had put them to bed at 9 PM and I knew we could all use one more day to catch up on sleep and fun before reality returned. I quietly got back in bed and fell fast asleep. Josh rushed in an hour later, panicked that we had slept in and I cheerfully announced that we hadn't missed a thing. It was like I had told him it was Christmas again. They were all so excited. Josh darted to the window and with a huge grin stated, "I am so happy the snow followed us to Kentucky!"Soon the cul-de-sac was abuzz with boy shoveling every drop of snow in sight and hauling it to "the fort". I certainly didn't have to shovel the walks when they were even scrapping it off the road!Matt and Josh spent the entire day and half the night in the freezing cold. It hovered around 18 degrees all day and yet they just never came in. I make a quick trip with Trey to Old Navy while Rich and the girls slept in search of bigger and warmer coats, scarfs, and gloves and grabbed some snow boots at the mall. It was wonderful to just be with Trey because it never happens and grabbing a piece of pizza with him in the food court was like treating him to a prime rib dinner. Oh how he smiled. We came home and made 2 quarts of hot chocolate and warm brownies and served it up to all the frozen army men battling by the side of the house.Tonight Matt said it was the best day of his life. He sled down the hill, had a snowball fight, played war, ate Chick-Fil-A (brought home from the mall) and then watched Pirates of the Caribbean tonight. Oh to be young and easily pleased.

The backpacks are once again ready, the clothes are in piles and I think we really are finally ready to get back to real life. Thank heavens it's almost Thursday!


Barney Family said...

Cheryl, I totally remember snow days by living in Ohio. Growing up in Utah, snow days are unheard of. I think it gives everyone a good excuse to play in the snow and take the day off. It looks like you did just that, how fun!


Amanda said...

It just snowed here for about five minutes. It's kind of a rare thing, but it was fun while it lasted. Good luck getting back into the swing of things. That will be me on Monday when Kimball goes back to school.

Sue said...

What a great day! So fun to have an extra day added to the Christmas break. I was so sad to get back in the routine of school and schedules on Jan. 2nd. I wish I would have had just one more. What an exciting day that would have just been the norm if it weren't for the snow. I love the fort and all the boys ready to attack. I'm excited to get caught up on your blog after being offline for the past 6 weeks. I hope your holiday's were fun and you enjoyed your trip back to Utah.

Marcie said...

What fun to get a little extra New Years surprise!

Holly said...

We were SO hoping for a snow day here in Louisville, but the promised snow never came, and we were off to school in that 18 degree weather. I am glad you had better luck!